Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

ELEVEN THE STAR-BULLETI1TS BUSINESS PAGE FINANCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL NEWS STOCKS TODAY'S TRANSACTIONS IN HONOLULU AND NEW YORK SUGARS MARKET QUOTATIONS NEWS OF PLANTATIONS BONDS HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1036 TODAY'S BUSINESS FEATURES STEEL ACTION IS SIGNIFICANT NEW CRISIS IN SILVER FEARED STOCK BUYING IS SELECTIVE O40 00 00 New York and San Francisco Stocks The following list of closing stock price I furnished by courtesy ot tbe San Francisco Slock Exchange to The Honolulu Star-Bulletin through E. A. Pierce Co. The Information I from reliable sources, but due to possibilities of error.

Its accuracy can not be guar anteed, Japan Trade Booms At Farmers' Expense ifBSEQjg 2,40 Pub Serv J. Pullman Ino Pur Oil Radio crp of Am. 35 cm B' pfd Radio-K-Orph Real Silk He Remington-Rand Repub Steel Crp Reynold Rey Tob -B" Safeway Store In St. Joseph Lead By ELMER C. WALZEK Vnitcd Press Financial Editor NEW YORK.

Jan. 17. (LLP) Action of the Bethlehem Steel Co. in recapitulating iU preferred stock was considered significant today because it clears the way for resumption of dividends on the common stock in the near future. Many traders opined that Bethlehem will beat U.

S. Steel Co. to resumption of dividends. Stimulated activity in steel stocks would give the market badly needed leadership. Despite yesterday's activity in A.

T. Tn the list of 10 most active stocks included four issues under $10 and only one top-notcher Bethlehem. 1 3 By HOWARD D. CASE financial Editor. The SUr-BUetln "Japan's trade boom and general industrial recovery have been achieved at the expense of the Japanese farmer and although 1935 marked an upward turn for many branches of Japanese agriculture, the farmer today is still ehromically poverty stricken as he has been ever inc the World war." says William L.

Holland, research secretary cf thf Institute of Pacific Relations, in the current Far Eastern Survey. Pointing out that Japan's rapid industrial advance has obscured the fact that she remains predominantly an agricultural country, the writer claims that government attempts to relieve the farmer have been lnade quate. temporary palliatives, contrasting grimly with the financial treatment bestowed upon the army and navy budgets. "Farmers pay much more in taxes than the more prosperous manufacturers and trades, in absolute amount and in proportion to total income. The interest rate for farm loans ranges from 10 per cent to 12 per cent and is exorbitant even for Japan where capital is scarce relative to labor.

"The most ominous indication of 111 2 .40 NEW YORK. Jan. 17. (UP' A three cent decline in the price cf silver today indicated the U. S.

treasury is not supporting the market and precipitated fears of a new silver crisis. The price of 454 cents a fine ounce posted today by Handy Harman was 35 54 cents below the 1935 high of 81 cents posted last May 28. "New York silver quarters believe supplies of silver offered the treasury in the local market lately have dried up considerably, commented the Wall Street Journal. -Some holders of the white metal evidently regarded the 50 cent level as the bottom and held their metal. "It is thought possible the lower price may bring more metal out.

It is believed locally the treasury may be attempting a narrow spread between the London and New York price to make arbitrage 12 18V 4 15'-, 3V. 167V, 37U 1J1 34 8 11 27T. 28, 31. 48., 25, 31 90, 72V, 60 57 1597, 100 22', 10', 29 18', 6 and bond department of the Bishop Trust Co. has served as exchange president during the past year.

By ELMER C. WALZER I'nited Prrs Financial Editor NEW YORK, Jan. 17. U.P5 Stocks were Quiet today and prices finished Irregular, featured by selective buying of low priced issues. Near the close better support developed for recent leaders and several issues rallied from the day's lows.

Silvers declined on the decline Jn the price of bar silver. Considerable demand was noted for several aviation Communications were steady to firm. Rails advanced on the substantial gain in car loadings. Utilities issues were mostly unchanged. Bonds closed firm.

The curb list was irregular. The outlook for tomorrow was one of caution and traders were ready to sell at a moment's notice. Favorables included: Car loadings gained; Pennsylvania It. R. reported gain in net income; whisky sales in 1935 set a record.

Unfavorable: Automobile output declined; uncertainty regarding effects of payment of soldier bonus; outlook for higher state taxes; silver prices declined. Sales jpn the stock exchange totaled 2,310,000 shares. Dow-Jfnes closing averages: 30 Industrials 145.81, down 0.11; 20 rails 43.03, down 0.16; 20 utilities 31.21, down 0.14. Standard Statistics Co. averages: 10 industrials 92.8, unchanged; 10 rails 89.3, unchanged; 10 utilities 105.1, unchanged.

SILK NEW YORK, Jan. 17. (U.R) Silt prices closed 1 to 3 cents higher 0 1 1 1 3. 80 .50 at MORNING STOCK SALES Between boards 5 Waialua 43, 15 Mutual Tel. at 22.

Session sales 15-10 WaialuJi 43. Sales Total for morning, at 45 2 Lowest Since 1934 LONDON. Jan. 17. U.R Bar silver today brought 19 pence, the equivalent of 42.43 American cents, the lowest price since the summer of 1934.

The drop was attributed to yesterday's decline at New York which was taken to indicate the United States treasury no longer is pegging the price at 50 cents a fine ounce. shares. Commodities N. Y. spot copper 9'c, N.

Y. spot rubber 14.38c, N. Y. spot raw sugar 3.20c, C. and 11.

and Western fine granulated 5.10c. 47 41. 19 14v4 7V, s. 23 19', 29', 577. 34 244 488 1 164 23', 54 16'.

308 268 144 17! 16, 41'4 36' 54 661, 197a 174 10 474 324 35 11'', 16'4 14 674 17 84 25Va 94 744 117', 27V, 158 28 444 1274 69 19' 4 90'4 43', 297. 18 54 904 48! a 120Vi 4Vs 23, 10', 5V, 98 76 39 101 104 854 53 254 78 1274 458 44V 48 414 194 138 9 4 "2334 193-4 29'. 577a 33; 24', 47' 614 1634 178 233, 6, 23' 16' 303, 26i 14U 167, 163-4 8 41a 353.4 54 664 19! 4 174 10 5'4 S3 347, i1 163, 14 '4 674 164 8' 8 257 95 744 H6V4 27' 14', 27H 694 77 124 683, 19 884 424 298 18 53, 93' 488 121 4 24 10' a 68 a 75V, 334 99. 104 85! 2 53 254 78 46 444 DIRECTORS MEET The first meeting of the 1936 directorate of the Honolulu dumber of Commerce will be held at th chamber at 11 a. m.

next Tuesday. 2 1.60 ft Schenley Dis Sears-Roebuck Servel Inc Shell Union Oil Simmons Co -Simmi Pet Skelly Oil Socony-Vacuum Porto Rico Sug Southern Pae Southern Railway. Sperry Corp Standard Brands Stan Gas A Eiec. Stan Oil of Cat Stan Oil Indiana. Stan Oil of Sterling Prod Stewart-Warner Stone A Web Ine Studebaker (new) Superior Oil (Del) Texas Corp Texas Gulf Texa Pac Tidewater Asso Tim Detroit Axle.

Tim Rol Tran A West Air Tri-Cont Corp Twentieth Cent Uncer Ell Fisher. Union Carbide Union Pacific United Aircraft United A (vtc). United Biscuit United Carbon United Corp United Corp pfd. United Drug United Fruit United Gas Imp Gypsum Industrial A. Pipe A.

Fdry. U'S Rubber Rubber pfd. Smelting Steel Steel pfd. Util Pow A Vanadium Steel Warner Brothers. Warren Brothers.

Western Maryland Western Union Westing Air Westing Electric Wilson A. Co Wilson Co pfd Wooiworth Co Worth Pu A. Mch Wrigley (Wml Jr Yellow Truck A Young Spg Young Sheet A. 30a4 30' 4 417, 5 47. 44', 164 88.

14 22. 52V, 53', 26. 65-i 16)4 52 54, 118 I8V4 10'. 127. 27', 22'2 35 7a 14 11V, 99 55H 277.

51 65' 54. I J. BARTH A CO. 1 San Francisco Correspondent of the Bishop Trust Co. 4 1.60 2.40 the farmer's position is the enormous burden of debt on agriculture which has grown steadily to a figure estimated in 1932 at 4.000.000.-000 yen and in 1935 at 6.000.000,000 yen.

The total national public debt is only 8,500,000,000 yen, in comparison. Has Failed to Share "Not only has Japanese agriculture failed to share in the recent profits of industry, but it has generally been taxed more heavily than industry, bas had to pay exorbitant interest rates, and has received few of the benefits of depreciated currency, while having to bear many of the disadvantages. "The only policy which can ultimately make possible a healthy Japanese agriculture would seem to involve a considerable degree of socialization and state control of production, a drastic redistribution of national income either by taxation or otherwise, a rapidly fostered development of labor organizations, both agricultural and industrial, and a collectivization of farming enabling land holdings to be consolidated and cultivated by scientific methods without having to pay tribute to private landlords and money lenders. "Such a policy is hardly to be imagined under the present Japanese political regime." admits the writer, who concludes that "following the present policy of compromise, by placating agriculture with stop-gap relief measures, will only keep Japanese agriculture permanently pauperized." US', 15' 3 168 3TH 131 34., 28, 28 28'. 4 31 si 2 31H j2 1 26 561 160' i.

10O, 23 ioh 29' 19 6 69' 31f4 31 41', 18' 4 17 90 14 21T 53T, 23 53', 263-4 66', 171 56? 11'4 18', 4 10', 4 12, 27. 22H 36 74 151, 11? 98 55 27H 62, 66 541 a 17H 7'n 16 88 19! 15 475 21'. 34 43V, 117, 13'a 8 2a 35T, 73 37. 36 4 42 11 4 56 38 165. 33', a 32 55', 142 160 (Special Star-Bulletin Wireless) SUGAR TRICE UP The New York spot raw sugar price advanced 5 points to 3.25 cent a pound, or J65 a ton, in a r.le of 2.000 tons of Puerto Ricans, for shipment in two weeks, in the eastern city today, according to a cablegram received by American Utilities on Thursday served to steady the entire list.

Railroad equipments were outstanding in the industrial division. Oils continued subject to profit taking, but this was well absorbed. .50 E. A. P1EKCE CO.

COPPER I NEW YORK. Jan. 17. (U.R Elec-. cents.

'1 NEW YORK. Jan. 17. OJPU-Spot raw sugar, 3.20 cents, unchanged. Refined was steady with granulated 5.30 cents.

Sugar futures were in good demand today and No. 3 contracts closed 2 to 7 higher. Sales 29.900 tons. January 2.30 to 2.33. March 2.26 to 2.27.

May 2.28 to 2.29. July 2.28 to 2.30. September 220 to 221, November 2.32 to 23. 0 1 Honolulu Stock Exchange The Honolulu Stock Exchange tnectt at 9:45 a. m.

daily at Room 95-C Campbell building. Fort and Merchant St. MORNING SESSION Friday, Jan. 17. MERCANTILE 1.50 Alex.

Baldwin 195 .15 Am. Factors, Ltd. 38 41 1.00 C. Brewer A Co. 2834 SUGAR Bogo Medeilin Mill 3 Ceou Sugar Co.

3 .60 Ewa Plant. Co. 44 46 .20 Hawn. Agr. Co.

30 35 .75 Hawn. C. A S. Co. 51 53 .60 Hawn.

Sugar Honokaa Sugar 4l4 .10 Honomu Sugar Co. .10 Hutchinson Sugar. Kahuku Plant. Co 10 .20 Kekaha Sugar Co Koloa Sugar Co. .15 Maui Agr.

Co. 29' 32, McBryde Sugar 5' 6 .20 Oahu Sugar Co. 28 30 Oiaa Sugar Co 5', .20 Onomea Sugar Co. 39V, Paauhau Sugar PI .20 Pepeekeo Sugar 277, 31 .15 Pioneer Mill Co. 26 28 .20 San Carlos Milling 24 247, .60 Waialua Agr.

Co. 43', 44 .20 Wailuku Sugar Co 28i4 Waimanalo Sugar PINEAPPLE Island Pine Co. 8V'2 Hawn. Canneries Hawn. Pine Co.

26', 27J, RUBBER Hawn. Sum. PI 8', Pahang Rub 4', 44 Selama-Dindings 2H UTILITY .20 Hawaii Con. Ry. A 114 Hawaii Con.

Ry. 35 Haw Con Ry com .15 Hawn. Electric Co 50 .15 Hilo Elec. Light. 36 37 .15 Hon.

Gas Co. .09 Hon. Gas Co. Inst. 21 Hon.

R. T. Co 8 8I4 .30 Inter-Island S. 25 .08 Mutual Tel. Co 22', .15 Oahu R.

4. L. Co. 29 .371, Pac. G.

A E. pfd Pac. G. A com OIL Hon. Oil Corp 27 28 .25 North Amer.

Oil Shell Union Oil .25 Stand Oil of Cal .25 Union Oil of Cal. MISCELLANEOUS Cal. Copper .75 .90 .30 Con. Amusem*nt 18 20 .10 Home Insurance 35 .40 Hon. Fin.

A Thrift 2014 22', MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Advertiser Pub. 6s T. H. Davies A Co. 4s 101 Hawaii Con.

Ry. 5s 100 Hilo Electric 4s 102(4 Honokaa Sugar 6s 100 Hon. Dairymen's 5s 102', m. Hon. Gas Co.

5s 102 Mutual Tel. 4s 103 Niulii Mill 6s 101 Ola a Sugar Co. 6s 100', Pioneer Mill 6s Union Mill 6s 99 Victorias Mill 72s Wailea Mill 7s 102 Between Boards 5 Waialua. 43i; 15 Mut. Session Sales -15.

10 Waialua. 434. Total sales morning: 45 shares. Quarterly divioend nasi. Sugar quotations 90 dea.

test centrifugals, 3.20. MEETING IS PLANNED ON FORT ST. PARKING The public works mmittee of the board of supervisors will meet with representatives of more than 200 merchants who have protested the proposed elimination of parking on both sides of Fort St. A meeting will be arranged next week. BUILDING PERMITS Mrs.

M. 1522 Kewalo garage, ISO. John F. Stone, 2746 Kahawal residence, $200. K.

S. Kelly, Hala drive, and Kalepa traraKe. $25. I. Kimura, 1713 Liliha bath house, $125.

SABETHA, Kas. JP) Mrs. R. W. Moorehead, grandmother, recently cut a tooth.

loaay, reports indicated speculative selling was to hedge pressure from Japan. Mid-day trade had a broad tone and was steady. Considerable selling was credited to trade accounts with Japanese import and other uptown Interests buying some, apparently for short covering purposes. Sales, 124 lots. Jan.

1.87; March 1.83; June 1.86. i CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, Jan. 17. (OR) Wheat closed cent higher to cent lower today. Rains in the winter wheat belt and light milling demand offset firmness on the Winnipeg and Liverpool markets.

Closing prices: May wheat, high $1.00, low 1.00, July 83:. September 87U; May cvrn 60'i; May oats 28; January lard 10.75; cash bellies 15.00. .50 .50 6 2.40 3 2 SILVER DROPS NEW YORK. Jan. 17.

(TVImported silver fell 3 cents today to 45 cents an ounce. COMMODITY PRICES That Wall St hears: National Distillers 1935 net will equal $3.30 a share. Strong interests are buying Atlantic Refining. Fairbanks Morse will show a 1935 net of $3.50 a share. Cuban-American Sugar buyers expect action soon on the a share arrearage.

The drop in silver is affecting Cerro de Pasco adversely Union Pacific will cover its 1935 $8 a share dividend. International Telephone's 1935 net will be 90 cents a share. 1 EGGS 4 (The following wholesale prices ef fresh Oaho island egg re furnished by the Oahn Foultrymen. an association of poultry producers ot Oahn. with principal offices at 79 Merchant 6L) Do? Large .42 Medium .40 Small Jtt) ARRIVALS Passengers arriving today on the Ilualalal were: Kahului to Honolulu Mr.

anil Mrs. IT. A. Baldwin, IM: and Mr. V.

J. Baldwin, S. A. Haldwin, H. P.

Baldwin, K. Ulack, A 1. Cook. H. Carson, John Dolin, K.

W. Kvans, Mrs. J. A. Ferreira, P.

A. rood, J. Gilli-land. J. Ibara.

John Hanson, X. II. Hew, fJ. X. Hitchco*ck, O.

Katsumoto, H. I. Kirschman, J. Miyamoto, Miss A. Ma-helona.

Mr. and Mrs. X. Medeiros. K.

K. Manke, C. Maria, It F. Springer, Miss Mary Kilva, F. T.

Schmidt. T. Sato, Mr. and Mrs. Sniffin and child.

Miss I. Sloriker, John Toledo and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Kaunakakal to Honolulu William Hing-, Mrs. A.

A. Meyer, II. Okada. FLAG TO BE DISPLAYED Saturday being the anniversary of the founding of the German empire in 1871, the German flag will be displayed at the German consulate, 934 Bethel Si. 1.50 Pacific A Elec.

34 34' 4 1.50 Pa GAB 1st pf 6 30' a 2.40 Pacific Lifihting 53 52' 4 6 Pac Light 105V, 2 Paraffins Co 83V, 1 Stan Oil of Cal 414 4l'-t J30 Transam Corp 124 12V, 1 Union Oil of Ca 24T, 24Va SAN FRANCISCO CURB STOCKS General Motors .60 Marine Bancorp Occidental Pet .25 .40 Pac West Oil Crp Radio Crp of Am. .36 Republic Pet 1.50 So Calif Edison 28' 4 28 1.50 Edison 6 pf 1.75 Edison 7 pt .02 Petroleum .39 .40 Universal Oil 74 STOCKS LISTED. ON HONOLULU AND SAN FRANCISCO EXCHANGES Am Factors California Copper. 1 Ewa 44 Island Pine Hawn Com Hawn Pine 26 254 Hawn Sugar Honokaa Sugar Honolulu Oil 28! 2 264 Maui Agn Am Oil 174 1674s Oahu Sugar 28 Onomea Sugar Pioneer Mill Waialua 434 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS 1.40 Chase Nat 41V, 40V', First Boston Corp Irving Trust 18U 18V, 1 Nat City Bank 39V', 38V, The above Information Is received from reliable sources, but due to possibilities of error cannot guarantee it accuracy. 4 Copper 4 82' "792 119 12474 68V2 83 87 79, 119 123V, 68V4 "30V2 Call Money Amerada -Corp.

Hercules Sun Oil Co. Gen Motors $5 pfd Hazel-Atlas Philip Morris Harbison-Wa ker General Asphalt (Special Star-Bulletin Wireless) N. Y. market prices showed further irregularity this morning. Noon prices included American Tel.

fe Tel. 1608, up American Can, 131, down Atchison, 68, down General Motors, 54 down U. S. Steel, 47 down Consolidated Gas, 33 Vs. down Opening commodity prices: Wheat, 1.00i corn, 50s rubber futures, 14.60; cotton, 11.04.

Sterling, 4.957; franc, The Fitch Service says: "Now that the market has proved its ability to absorb offerings in large amounts without relinquishing gains, consolidation should be just about completed. "On that basis, prices of leading stocks begin to do better. "Failure to improve at V. is point would mean transition from a strong to a weak technical position. "In the meantime, however, prices appear capable of working higher.

Hold trading recommendations." Thursday's 10 most ar ivc stocks were International Tel. fc Tc! Radio Commonwealth fc Southern, Newport Inds. Cont. Textile, Socony-Vacuum, Radio-Keith-Or-pheum, Superior Oil, Bethlehem Steel, and Pressed Steel Car Co. Total sales to noon today, shares.

COTTON I Adam Ex 1 Atr Rtductton .60 Alaska Jun Allegheny Corp A'tied Chm A. AHii-Chal Mfa 4 American Can Amer, Car A Fdy Am Com Alcohol Am 4. For Power Arn inter Co-p Aril L.ocomotiv ,80 Am Mich Fdry Am Metal Co Am Pom cm. Am PAL 18 em pf Am Rad A Stand. Am Rolling Mill 8 Am Safety Razor.

3 Am Snuff Am Smelt A Ref Am Steel Fourd. 2 Am Sugar Ref in 9 Am Tele A Teles, ft Am Tob Am Water Work Am Woolet Anaconda Copper. .60 Anchor Cap Corp. Armour A Co cm. ft Armour cm pfd Atch Top A.

IV Fa Atlantic Coast I 1 Atlantic Reftn Auourn Auto Aviation Crp Dela Baldwin Loco Baltimore A. Ohio 2.50 Bangor rt, Aroo. .60 Barnadall 3 Beech. Nut Pack 1 Belding Mtmin Bendix Aviation -Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane 3 Bonn Alum 1.60 Borden Co 2 Borg-Warner Crp. .40 Bridgeport 2 Brigga Mtg Co 8 Brooklyn Ga Bucyru En Bueyru-Erie pfd- Budd Mfg Budd Wheel .60 Bur Add Machine Byer 1AM) A.

Co 1.50 Cai Pack Corp Calumet A Canada Gin Ale Canadian Pacific. Case (Jl) Co 1 Caterpillar Co 1.50 Central Aguirra Cerro de 3 Chesapeake 2.80 Chesap A. Ohio. Chic Great Chi A. Chi Fmu Tool Chi I A Pacific 1 Chrysler Motora 2 City Ice A.

2 Coca-Cola (new). J50 Colg-Palm-Peet Columbia A 2.50 Com Credit cm .60 Com Solvents Comwlth A South 1.60 CongoleumNairn Consol Cigar 1 Consol Cat NY Consol Oil Corp. 3 Continental Can -Contin Motor Contin Oil Deta. 8 Corn Product 2 Cream of (vtc) crucible Steel 2.50 Cudahy Pack Curtiss-Wrignt "A Curtiss-Wgt Deere A. Co Dela A Hudson Dela Lackawanna Diamond Match Distiller Seag Douglas Aircraft 3.60 DuPont de Nem- 6 Eastman Kodak Eaton Mfg Electric Auto-Lite Eleo Pow A Light 2 Elec Stor Battery Eng Public Serv Fairbanks More .40 Firestone A 2.50 Firt Nat Stores.

Follansbee Bro Foster Wheeler 1 Freeport Texa 1.75 Gen Am Corp General Bronx 4 General Cigar .80 General Electric 1.80 General Food Gen. 4. 3 Gen Mill Ino 2 General Motor Gen Public Serv. 1 Gen Railway General Refrao Gillette Saf Raxor Gimbel Brother 1 Glidden Co 1.20 Gold Ouit (vtc) Goodrich Rubber. Goodyear Tiro 4 Gdy cm 1tof Granby nsol Gt Northern ptcl 2.40 Gt Western Sugar 3 Hershey Chocolate Houdaiile-H Houston Oil (new) Hudson Motors Hupp Motors Illinois Central 1.63 Indus.

Rayon Crp. 2 Ingersoll Rand Inland Steel 1 nsplration Copper 1 inter Cement .60 Inter Harvester In Hyd-E Sy A. 0 Internal Nickel Internat Jchn-Manvi'l Kan City (J) A. Co. .50 Kelvinator Corp.

.60 Kennecott Copper 1 Kresg (S S) 1.60 Kroger Gro A. Bak 2 Lambert Co Lee Rubber 1 Lehn A. Fink 1.20 Lib-Owen Fti Gl. 1.60 Life Saver 4 Liggett A. 'B' 1 Liquid Carbonic 2 Lotw'i Ino 2 Loose-Wiles 1.20 Lonllard Co P).

1.50 Louisville Ludlum Sttei Co. 1 Mack Truck 2 Macy Magma Copper Marshall Field Co 1.50 Mathieson Alkali 2 Mclntyre Porcu McKesson Rob. McKei A. Hob ptd Mid-Cont Pete Miss, Kan A. issouri Pacific Montgomery Ward Motor Prod EXCHANGE ANNUAL The annual meeting of the Honolulu Stock Exchange will be held at 2:20 p.

m. Monday in the exchange rooms. Officers for 1936 will be elected and reports covering 1935 activities presented. George II. Kellerman of the stock NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS you slop a slroiig wind, lint you can avert financial loss by carrying adc-fffualc insurance protection.

ALEXANDER BALDWIN, LTD. INSURANCE DEPT. 4 17V1 24 8734 16 88, 19V 14, 47. 21 34 433 114 13 84 35. 73! 4 37', 36 42'', 11.

4s 59 38'i 38 32 145 160 2914 3734 53 7'i 384 25', 2 54 28' 4 33, 52a 934 5734 38 35 2 44 44V, 18'4 77 62 14 23', 95 A. H. RICE tr CO. LIMITED Reel Ettote end Investments A. H.

RICE, JR. Stocks and Bonds Phone 6257 .60 Am Cynana 1.40 Am Gaa Elec. 10 Am Light A Am Super Power. Ark Natural Gas. Asso El Atlas Corp Butler Brother Cities Service Cleveland Tractor 4 Comwlth Edistn Elec Bond A.

S. Gulf Oil of Pa 2 Lake Shore Mine Newmont Min Niagara Pow. Pacific Eastrrn 1 Pan Am 3 Parker Rust Prf Pennroad Corp .80 Pioneer Gold .50 Swift Co AO Teck Gold United Found Crp United Gas .40 United Verde Ext Util Pow A. Light Walker Hiram New York and San Francisco Correspondents NEW YORK, Jan. 17.

(U Cotton futures closed 7 to 15 points higher today on bullish weekend statistics plus Indications from Washington program was being made in evolving substitute AAA legislation which will prevent heavy production next season. Spot middling, 11.85,-tip 5. January 11.72. March 11.39, May 11.09, July 10.73, October 10.24, December 10.19. 4 I RUBBER NEW YORK, Jan.

17. (U.R) A general belief the market had been overextended today brought a sharp collapse in rubber prices, futures breaking 31 to 41 points after reach post depression highs. Spot 14.25. down 13. Sales 152 lots.

January 14.23. March 14.41, June 14.63, August 14.77. 4 CHINESE EXCHANGE (Furnished by Liberty Bank) Hongkong, demand draft, $33; telegraphic transfer, demand draft, $30.60. Hongkong rate down 35 cents. Shanghai rate down 15 cents.

Feiping, Tientsin, Nanking and Hankow, demand draft, $31.60. Canton currency, $30.40. 34'i 344 3S' a 397, 18-4 18 3' a 34 4', 4', 1 13V. 13 8 4a 4, 111 174 1774 82 82 5274 54, S4 83 10'4 10, 5's 5V2 50 49 V4 76 768 4 4'a 104 107, 24'4 2438 5'a 10 10 5 6V4 3 1Va 14 317 32J, Bid Ask 104.08 108.00 109.08 100.01 100.02 106.24 110.16 112.16 103.00 103.12 100.20 100.21 103.11 103.14 106.17 106.18 108.01 108.04 111.12 111.16 DS Ask 108.04 99.30 STATEMENT OF CONDITION Bishop National Bank of Hawaii AT HONOLULU BON Bid .104.08 .107.28 99.27 ,106.24 .110.28 .102.16 .100.17 .103.05 .106.11 .107.30 .111.09 Cal. Pack Fed.

Land HOLC 24 Pac. G. A E. Penn. R.

Cal Edison Treas. 27g Treas. 3s Treas. 4s Trea. 3a Treas.

4s 112.08 103-08 100.18 103.08 106.13 108.02 111.13 COFFEE I NEW YORK, Jan. 17. (U.R) Rio QE HONOLULU STOCK EXCHAN ADDITIONAL NEW YORK QUOTATION LIST At Close of Business, December 31, 193.5 7i rpot 6'i, Santos 4s spot American ice J'a Armstrong Cork 48. 168 RESOURCES SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17.

(U.K Kona prime 10, Kona extra prime 11, Santos 9, Guatemala washed 10U, Robusta 8. 19 28! a 36 Cash' and Due from Banks. 37i 48'4 164 184 29 354 13Va 8 204 83' 344 13 MONEY I 8' Blaw-Knox 1 Cont Dia Fiber Deere Co 7 Evan Products .60 General Baking Gen Cable, Gen Cable Goodrich Rub pfd 1 Hercules Motor .20 Int Carriers Interlak Iron Int Paper A. 'A' 29' i 37 8' 4 53a. '38U 26! 47 54 28' 4 333 52' 10 54 377.

35'2 1 67', 55'4 43 36' 18? 8 514 20Va 14 '4 34 32! i 28V, 154 2' 4 2s 30J ib'f 39 584 46', 164 101 147, 28H 18'. 30 24! 4 22' 134 1234 49? 115! i 39' 51T 44V, 255, 223, 28? 46 12 354 31 43T, a 38V 21s 4 3'k 36H 60 16. 18. 18', 23 -H 2234 28'a 12', 4 71 11 35' 30' 6 "6T 28' a 25 26! 4 20' 83a 344 "l'3'4 48 U. S.

Government Bonds State, County and Municipal Bonds, Other Bonds and Securities Loans and Discounts Bank Premises, Honolulu 10,641,744.52 9,963,269.95 2,996,190.28 5,930,969.27 13,013,915.79 1,035,472.90 287,479.00 221,738.09 12T. 48 94 334 32 79 28', 10. 16 4 20' 303. 121 Vz 99 64 38, 58i 4'a 47H 164 103J. a 15 28', 19'.

2934 24'4 27i, 22. 133 13 49 115 39J 51' a 447, 25', 22', 28 277, 45H 117 3634 3U-4 45 10' 39 21 67'. 3' a 36', a 60'', 17! 4 18, 1814 36' 4 233. 22V, l3 13 NEW YORK, Jan. 17.

(U.R) Handy Harman quote bar silver at 45 cents a fine ounce, down 3 cents; sterling, demand quotation, 4.95 down call mo.aey renewed at i of 1 per cent. I POUND-FRANC LONDON, Jan. IT. (U.R) The French franc closed today at 74 "6164 to pound sterling, unchanged. 1 WINNIPEG WHEAT Branch Premises Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Int Silver 1 Kress, 2 Marlin Rockwell .40 Marine Midland 10V4 Midland Steel 23 Minneapolis Mol 64 National Acme 15' 0 Natomas Co 124 Para pfd (new) 117 1 Pub NJ 7 1338 Sparks Withing 8' St Louis-San 2 Thompson Star 58 US Realty Imp IT4 US Smelt pfd.

704 .40 Westvaco Chlorine 25. 10V4 23 7, 15' 4 12V, 117 133 8V4 '2574 237,240.13 'Accrued Interest Customers' Liability: Under Letters of Credit Under Acceptances Other Assets Specially made to meet weather conditions in the Hawaiian Islands over a period of many decades. WINNIPEG, Jan. 17. (U.R) Steady demand from millers sent wheat prices up of a cent today.

May BSMt July 89V; October 88. 3,559,862.84 24,319.94 196,049.57 $48,108,252.28 NEW YORK CURB QUOTATIONS Cord Corp 64 6' 2 Fisk Rubber 7' 7'- .50 Imperial Oil 22, 22 YEN EXCHANGE Imp Tob I. Lion Oil Nat Bellas-Hess 4 Sherwin-Williams (Furnished by the Yokohama 8 24 8 125J4 Specie Bank) Cables $29.80 Demand drafts 29.65 Motor Wheel Murray Cort 1 Nash Motor LIABILITIES 3,350,000.00 1,665,000.00 Capital 1.60 Nat Biscuit JLegal Notices Surplus DQW JONES AVERAGES OF 30 INDUSTRIAL STOCKS Wed. Thurs Frl. High 147.13 146.73 146.58 Low 145.02 145.03 144.65 Close' 145.66 145.92 145.81 DOW JONES AVERAGES OF 20 RAILROAD STOCKS Wed.

Thurs Frl. High 43.73 43.54 43.32 Low 43.01 42.93 42.83 43.16 43.24 43.08 Undivided Profits 4,604.08 3 juiJ if; .50 Nat Cash Reg 'A 1.20 Nat Dairy Prod 2 Nat Dis Prod .60 Nat Power A. I 1 National Steel .60 National Tea New York Air B. New York Cen NY Hart. 8 Norfolk and West Am 1 North Am Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil 5,019,604.08 440,835.10 3,559.862.84 24,319.94 461.70 American 'Factors, Wholesale Distributor 39 6'a 168 "l9i 39 'l'j' "194 Food Machinery Natl.

Rubber Cons. Aircraft Jones and Laughlin White Motor Reserves Letters of Credit Acceptances Executed Other Liabilities Deposits Demand 820417,054.51 0) A 28. 12" 694 11', 35 294 ft "7 284 25's 16! a 26 16 145 52 123 714 10' a 4, 158 344 73 14' 287, 14', a 43 SAN FRANCISCO STOCKS Thurs. Today .60 4 2.40 6 P. NO.

9860 Circuit Court, First Circuit, Terrl- tory of Hawaii. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In th Matter of the Estate of Sarah Croiicr," Deceased. All creditors of the above named deceased are hereby notified to present their claims with proper Vouchers, or duly authenticated copies thereof, to the undersigned at his office in Room 225, Arcade Building, 217 S. King St, Honolulu, T. within four months from the date hereof or, as by law provided, they will be forever barred.

Dated, January 17, 1936. WM. HENRY CROZIER i Executor of the Will of Sarah Crozier, Deceased. 17,. 24, 31 and Feb.

7). Otis Elevator Otis Steel Owe nil Hi Glass Pacific Pac Teleg Packard Motor Closing PM Savings and Time 18,646,114.11 39,063.168.62 48,108,252.28 16 145 52', 10' 4 47 a 15' 34, 73' i 15V 28. S97, 47H 1.60- Catamba Sug "Eft 130 Calif Packing iL 1 Caterpillar Co Crown Zeller vtc. 4 Fireman' Ins Langen Langen Magnavox Marchant Mach 1 Na Auto 'A' vtc 1.20 Occidental Insur Oliver Filter 'B" .3574 3474 55 554 8 77, 101 101 16 16 5 ft "l3T4 384 39a 30 14 14 Para cm (new) Park Utah Mines. Patino Mines Pennsylvania Ry 2 Penny Petroleurii Cirp Phelps Dodge 1 Phillip Pet Plymouth Oil 1.50 Procter Gambia.

Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.