Record-Journal from Meriden, Connecticut (2024)

a a a a a MERIDEN, RECORD, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1941 New Yorks, May 2, (A.P) -Stocks out the rallying sign in tomarket, attracting bidders for steels, rails, oila and assorted speclaities. Activity and prices were best In the first hour, however. Selling then began to dribble in and early gains of fractions to more than a point were reduced or cancelled in many instances at the close. The Associated Press average of 80 Issues retained a net advance of I of a point at 39.3. Transfers of 400.390 shares compared with 310, 040 yesterday.

As in previous mild recoveries, brokers inclined to attribute today's mild comeback mainly to the belief of speculative forces the list was "oversold." Handicapping sentiment was the still depressing tone of foreign despatches, particularly threats of new holy war against the British in the Near East. At the same time, some cheer WAS derived from reports of a sharp expansion in retail spending throughout the country and expectations steel mill operations soon would return in to high levels as settlement of the coal mining controversy assures fuel supplies and enables the reopening of numerous blast furnaces. Revocation of the ceiling on soft coal prices was of much market interest, although. Administrator Henderson warned that boosts in rates here would further governmental Rails were aided by thoughts of heavy ocean traffic being diverted to carriers 8.8 ships are taken over for defense purposes. Stiffening crude and gasoline quotations brought support for the oils.

Stocks finishing on the upside ineluded U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Santa Fe, Great Northern, Southern Pacific, Phillips Petroleum, Standard Oil of Standard Oil of N. Socony-Vacuum, Union Carbide, Sperry, American Car Foundry preferred, Eastman Kodak, Ameria Telephone, Allied Chemical and Westinghouse. General Motors and shifted 1-8 either way.

This week's automotive output was up substantially. Lower were Anaconda, American Can, Radio and Air Reduction. Railway loans remained favorites in the bond division. Recently buoyant commodities turned irregular. Wheat at.

Chicago a wat 1-4 to 1-2 cent bushel and corn down 1-8 to 1-2. Cotton improved 5 to 25 cents a bale. On the upside in the curb were Creole Petroleum, Gulf Oil, Humble Oil. N. J.

Zine, Pantepec and Todd Shipyards. The turnover here was around 87,000 shares against 66,000 Thursday. New York Stock Exchange Furnished By Stock Market Review the carriers, had difficulty in finding direction. The Associated Press average of 20 rails moved up .5 of a point and smaller advances were posted by Industrials and utilities. The foreign group was hit for loss of of point largely 8B result of a drop of 1-2 points in Denmark on sale of two bonds.

Standing out in the advancing column were, among others, Illinois Central 3-48 at 46 3-8. Delaware Hudson refunding 4s at 54 1-2, Youngstown Sheet Tube 3 1-48 at 98, Southern Railway 4s at 64 1-4. New York Central 5s at 66, Southern Pacific 4 1-28 of '69 at 53 5-8 (on sales of $255.000) and Western Maryland 4s at 93. On short end with small losses at the close were International Telephone 5s, Firestone Tire 3 1-23 and Western Union 58. Alleghany stamped 55 dropped 4 points to 51 and International Hydro Electric 68 gave up 2 at 43, both on light turnover.

Government bonds kept in the background. The trend was lower by around 1-4 point on the stock exchange but showed a more robust trend over the counter with the aid of increased demand for some of the longer term treasuries. TREASURY BALANCE $2,231,684,304 Local Stocks Furnished By WM. H. RYBECK, CO.

Colony Building, Meriden Insurance Stocks Aetna 116 53 Aetna Life Automobile Conn Gen Erd Fire con Hid Steam Boller Natl Fire Phoenix Travelers 390 410 Publie Utility: Stocks Conn Lt Pwr 40 Elfd Elec Lt Greenwich Pwr Gas pid 38 New Britain Gas So New Eng Tel ..145 150 United Illuminating .101 104 Stocks Amu Hardware 21 23 Ar. Hart Hegeman com Bristol Brass 39 Colt's Fire Arms 71 71 Eagle Lock: 8.13 10 Fafnir Bearing 130 140 Hart Cooley 133 143 Silver com 33 35 Inter Silver pfd 97 Landers, Frary Clark Manning Bowman Mallory 18 Marlin- Rockwell 53 North Judd 301 321 Peck, Stow Wilcox Remington Arms Scorille 26 Stanley Works Torrington Feeder- Root 55 Warner Investment Trusts Inc Investors 1244 14 New York. Bank Trust Cos. Bankers Trust 50 52 Central Hanover 91 Chase Chemical Citr Continental BR Tr 12 Corn Exchange 40 First Natl ..1475 1520 Guaranty Trust 260 265 Irving Trust 10 Manhattan Mannfacturers sail Trust 93 Public Title Guarantee Surety Companies Amn. Surety 46 48.

Home Ins Co of No Am 70 First all-steel railway baggage car was introduced in 1904. Have You Read By Janet Whitney 'Reviewed by BLANCHE HIXSON, SMITH William Morrow Company published a novel the first of the year called "Jennifer." by Janet Whitney, which has continued to be a best seller and popular in the rental- libraries. It is the sort of historical romance which captivates one's fancy. There Is enough excitement in the story to do for several tales, and the character portrayals are exceptionally good. Jennifer 1 has all the characteristics to make her a heroine of the first rank.

She is beautiful, capricious, well edu-. cated, wealthy, noble, and high spirited. Yet she be is saved by from her being too good to true, very capriciouaness, and by her Intense: enthusiasms which often carry her beyond the bounds of good sense. The first of the nineteenth centdie taken for the background ury this of romance and high adventure, Jennifer wax. the daughter of wealthy' respected physician in England.

whose wife was invalided at Jenniter's birth. Fearing, that the care of her baby permanently Impair the chance for his wife's recovery, Doctor Carey placed the baby out to wet-nurse. with Mrs. Grant, a respectable cottager's wife with a family of young children of her own. It was against his principles as a follower of Rosseau and Voltaire, but he was willing to do anything to save his wife's health.

As the years went on, it seemed better to him to let. Jennifer up with the Grant children, where her naturally vital spirits would not have to be curbed for the sake of the quiet which her mother must have. The childhood was a happy one in spite of the fact that the Grants met with adversity common to people of their economic position in that period of industrial revolution in England. Jennifer was deeply impressed by the injustices she saw about her, when skilled workmen were thrown out of their jobs with the advent of machines, and no provision was made for their employment in other ways. Grant.

did sOme harmless poachIng in an effort to feed his family, only to be brought to trial before Lord Gresham as magistrate, the man who had thrown him very out of the only job for which he was qualified. Doctor Carey's efforts saved Grant from immediate peril, but with no hope for any alleviation of his position, Grant took to drink as did: many of his contemporaries in like circ*mstances. Neither did Jennifer ever forget the way the moneved employers gathered in the littie children of such families to tend the machines which had put their fathers out of work, and working the children under threat of the lash for fourteen and sixteen hours a day So when Jennifer found among- her father's friends man who was leading A new group called "Friends of the People," she was activities the group. than, willing to join In the That alone would not. have brouzht her to grief.

But her mother, knowing she had not long to live, wanted to see her future assured 80 she urged her early engagement to 8 kinsman, a dashing naval officer whose happy appearance and pleasant social grace covered an unscrupulously criminal nature. By his knavery Jennifer was involved in a murder case for which she was convicted, and was suspected of causing her own father's. death. Since the vietim of the murder was Lady Gresham for whose husband, and other employers of his kind. Jennifer had publicly expressed her scorn, there were, political factors involved in the trial as well 8.8 real suspicion of her guilt.

Sentenced to servitude in Botany Bay, the penal colony of New South Wales, Jennifer's unusual talents brought her into the power of a wealthy Scotch landowner. of the new colony who was notoriously cruel in his treatment of the conscripted labor to him, The fact that Jennifer was: em-: ployed as governess to his children didn't save her from his saddietic treatment. Forrester, of "The Friends of the WAS sentenced at about the same time on political charges, McDonald and Castle also as was a clerk. employed Later at the Naval officer appeared in Australia as aide to the Governor of the Colony and Jenniter's went lifelong friend Christopher North out to head the Bank of New South Wales. There are many exciting events, Including a mutiny of the convicts at MacDonald Castle, before Jennifer's pardon and complete exonera- ton is affected.

It is a tempestustory full of troubles and escapes, but a new. and pleasant version of. the -B. H. 8.

YALESVILLE Walter D. Blakeley Phone 1774-J Record Correspondent Miss Dorothy Crabtree has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Davis of Brookline, Mass.

Mra. Oliver Cole and daughter Barbara Ann of Westwood, Mace, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Cole.

Mr. Cole will join them today. Successful Performance "The Phantom Bells," tt mystery play presented last Thursday evening by the Yalesville Men's club, Was enjoyed by a large and appreciative a.udience. The members of the cast performed in a surprisingly accomplished manner, and the director, H. Thornton Friel, deserves great praise for his fine work.

The stage setting, with extraordinary lighting and sound effects, WaS designed and arranged by a committee under the supervision of Frederick C. Burghoff and John H. Heald. The Yalesville Men's club Wishes publicly to thank all who assisted In making this show one of the most outstanding successes ever to be held on the local stage. Nygard-DuBois Mre.

and Mrs. Alfred P. DuBois of Church street announce the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth to Elwood Nygard of Church street last Saturday The a couple enjoyed a wedding trip to Harrisburg, and expect to live in Meriden in the near future. The bride is employed by the New Departure and BERLIN NEWS Residents of BERLIN, KENSING. TON and EAST BERLIN are asked to send in or telephone cli personal items, notices of meetings, or any Item that is of interest to the publie to the local correspondent P.

0. BOX 144, BERLIN, or TEL. NEW BRITAIN Div. 5882-R. To Go To Washington Nineteen members of the Motif club of Berlin high school will leave this morning for a six days trip in Washington, D.

C. The girls, will be under the direction of Miss Dorothy Small dean of girls, and Kenneth KcKenzie, senior class adviser, The girls will stay at the Hotel Martinique. Notes Emil 'O. Shjerden: of Worthington ridge was admitted to the New Britain general hospital yesterday. His condition is said to be good.

The Junior and senior choirs of the Berlin Congregational church will hold a rehearsal this evening at 6:45 o'clock in the church. On May 15 Deputy Sheriff Frank Brown and Mra. Brown will celebrate their 34th wed- Honeymoon DERN Gold BY CENTRAL PRESS ASSOCIATION CHAPTER NINETEEN And now what do you say to a PLACE is so very lovely." swim before dinner said June Heath after a moment, Betsy set her teeth for moment, and then she lifted her it was so. kind of Mr. Mark- ders.

in a little expressive gesture ham to make it possible for us to that dismissed the thought of the come here for a honeymoon I know burdens they had been supporting. we will all remember as long as we "I say okay, mister." live. It seems rather shame to start bickering the moment we Brooks stowed the cheap new toot on the island." suitcase in the cottage's one didn't mean it when she room. Natalie was standing looking referred Mrs. Edmonds as the about her, taking in the soft gray clinging vine type." began Betsy walls, the silvery woodwork, the loyally.

Terry flashed her a grate- cool green draperies, with the big ful glance. splashy lemon-yellow flowers the Edmonds wom- tered through them, colors that an looked to me like a woman who had been borrowed from the would trouble wherever she framed picture above the said Lucy a trifle tall, long-legged, blue-gray herons glumly. "I've seen the type at sum- feeding in a marshy pool, against mer hotels along the Maine coast the lemon-yellow of a sunset sky. -and, frankly, I don't like 'em." is rather charming." said Terry gave a little crow of de- Natalie. light, cried, "My pal!" and Bung "But there are complications, herself on Lucy with childish, wouldn't you say? After all, there bear-like hug.

Lucy flushed pinkly. IS only one bedroom." looked pleased, and tried to break Natalie laughed and her color through her usual restraint to deepened a little. make some return of Terry's warm. "But of course. What would friendliness.

honeymoon couple want with two An hour later, when they had all bedrooms?" she answered lightly, been assigned to cottages, Betsy and did not cuite meet his eyes. and Tom stared at each other as Brooks said after a moment, they stood in the patio. "Whoever furnished the cottage said Tom, and ran his was an understanding creature. Angers through his crisp red hair. That divan looks amazingly say, from where I stand, that fortable.

It looks like right exciting 80 "Yes, it does, doesn't it agreed days ahead!" Natalle, a trifle flatly. Betsy nodded soberly, her now--what about food?" smoky-gray eyes troybled. Brooks said briskly. "Does one go "Mrs Simpson is beautiful, isn't to the Hacienda, do you suppose? ane she mused. "And mysteri- Or is there a restaurant: hidden in ous, don't you think the marsh- or what "Mysterious?" Plainly Tom did Natalie walked across the living not care for the word.

"What's room into the neat green and yelmysterious about her? Alluring, I'd low kitchen, with its shining tile, say--fascinating. even-" Its mechanical ice box and oil you would, would you range. Above the stove there were Betsy snapped, her eyes sharpen- bulit-in. cabinets whose opened ing a little. "'Well, I'll call her mys- doors revealed a great stock of terious She's supposed to be a girl canned food.

The Ice box proved to who works for living in an over- be equally well stocked. all tactory- you were talking about a good Lord, NO!" Tom restaurant!" she scotted. "I'd say couldn't believe it. one's bride is expected to provide "Take a look at the office ree- food. Suppose you sit in a quiet ords, me lad," said Betay.

"She's corner and read that newspaper supposed to be about 19, I think- you brought along, while I get into and to have worked for a couple of a more practical garb and see what at sewing overalls. But. can be. done toward preparing did you ever see such beautiful meal." hands? Her nails are so long and Brooks stared at her, smooth and shiny- overall factory brows drawn together in a hilarities my eye!" frown. "You're not going to tell Tom was studying her curiously, me that you can cook!" he you think she's putting over on us." he suggested.

not! I'm going to let what do YOU think?" you wait and find it out for yourof Tom shook his head. "I think "Idiot! Betsy was almost belligerent. self!" she assured him gaily. I had two years of domestic they're our guests for the next 30 science. And I spent eight weeks days and that we should forget at the school--part of that everything but that- don't you? time you thought I was racing bridegroom is an employe of the Nettleton estate in Cheshire.

Baptist Church Rev. Fred West, pastor, Communion service: 10:30 o'clock. Meditation subject: "There Is A Room." -Church school, Young People's society, and Men's diecussion group. Methodist Church Communion Service, Sunday morning, May 11. St.

John's Church Rev. Minard L. G. Proper, minlater. 10:30 a.

m. Morning serv10e, Miss Fern I. DuPlessis will give her on the Methodist Youth Conference A World Christian Fellowship." Reception of members a part of this service. 6 p. m.

Senior Christian Endeavor. 6 p. m. Intermediate Christian Endeavor. Subject: "Planning Our Life's Work as Christians." Leader: Ernest Heald.

7 p. m. Evening service. Subject: "The Gospel of The official board will meet at the close of the evening service. An additional Eastertide tion of the Holy Communion, with the Rev.

Wolcott Linsley of New Haven officiating, will be held at St. John's Episcopal church Sunday morning at 10:45 o'clock. The session of the Sunday School begins at 9:30. o'clock tomorrow morning, with service and class instruction. The members of the Young People's Fellowship are requested to remain after the Communion service for a brief meeting with the Rev.

and Mrs. Linsley. Any parishioners of St. John's ial Easter offering made, asked to who have not yet their specbring their envelop tomorrow, or send it to the treasurer at an early date. Real Estate DOUBLE BUILDING LOT, CHAPEL St, Phone 5 8 8 Ex- King Carol Sails For U.S.

Bern, Switzerland, May 2 -(AP) -The life in flight of former King Carol of Rumania: Was resumed today with his departure from Lisbon on the American ship Excambion, according to reports recelved here. With Carol, it was said, were Mme. Magda Lupeseu, for whom his infatuation once: cost him his right to the Rumanian throne, and Ernest Urdareanu, former court chamberlain. The only clue to their exact 'dest tination, advices from Lisbon said, was the Havana via New York address on the 23 pieces of hand luggage taken aboard. Thus, once again, the 47-year-old ex-monarch is fleeing the vicissiof European Last September, under Iron Guard pressure, Carol abdicted in favor of Prince.

Mihai, his son by Princess Helen. Once before Mihat had held the throne, as a boy under A regency established Carol Wine, was disinherited in 1926 for his refitsal to give Lupescu. The couple lived in France until 1930, when Carol traveled plane to Bucharest to be proclaimed king after the regency dissolved In the turmoll of Rumanian politics. When Germany took over Rumania last fell, Carol, known for his pro-British sentiments, 800n became the target of proNazi elements in the Iron Guard. After his abdication, he fled to Seville, Spain, with Mme.

Lupescu. They were under "house" arrest there, when they gave their guards the silp and drove across the border to Portugal last March 5. SOUTHINGTON NEWS Della Vecchia-Testa on Highwood avenue. Oxford Club Meeting Miss Emma Jean Testa, daughter of Mrs. Minnie Testa of Hobart street and Maurice Michael DellaVecchia, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Della Vecchia of Beecher street, will be united in marriage St. Thomas church this morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. William H.

Kennedy, pastor will perform the ceremony and celebrate the nuptial! mass. Miss Stella 'Testa, a sister of the bride, will be maid of honor and the best man will be Viteo Gallette, also of Southington. The bride will wear white net with finger. tip veil caught up with orange blossoms and will carry Colonial bouquet. The maid of honor will wear an orchid net gown with matching accessories, She will carry an old fashioned bouquet.

A reception will be held at Craig Loch Manor, Meriden for 100 guests. Upon their return from their wedding trip they will live The Oxford club of the Grace Methodist church will serve supper in the church Monday at. p. m. The committee: Mrs.

Ida Giles, Mrs. Lizzie Ballou, Mrs. Alice Pascal and Mrs. Grace Sacheck. Miss Vera Bassett will give an.

illustrated talk on Colorado and the Grand Canyon. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the members of Hannah Woodruff chapter D.A.R. will be held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Peery DeMund on Meriden avenue. The assisting hostesses will be Mrs.

Edward Brill and Mrs. A. Harry Oxley. Reports of the Continental Congress will be read. Fusciello-Rafaniello Miss Angelina Rafaniello, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Rafaniello of 74 Barnes street, Bristol, and Michael Fusciello, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fusciello of 61 Brooks Southington, will be united in marriage at St. Anthony's church, Bristol, this morning at 9 m.

Rex. Settimio Crudele, pastor, will perform the ceremony and celebrate the nuptial mass. Miss Jane Rafaniello of Bristol, a sister of the bride, will be maid of honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss Mary Rafaniello of Bristol and Miss Carmella Fusciello of Southington. The best man will be Frank Longo of this town, and the ushers, Salvatore Aleia of Southington and Frank Peruti of Meriden.

The bride, who will be given in marriage by her father, will wear A. white chiffon gown rimmed with lace with a finger top veil caught up with orange blossoms. She will carry a bridal bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley, The maid of honor will wear a organdy gown of lavender with matching, old accessories. fashioned She bouquet. will The bridesmaids will have gowns of pink and blue mousseline-de-sote and, they will also carry old-fashtoned bouquets.

A wedding breakfast and recep-. tion will be held in the American Legion hall for 150 guests. After wedding trip to WashIngton. D. C.

they will live in Southington. Marriage intentions have been filed at the office of Town Clerk Herman A. Muus by Adolph- Louis Specyalski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louts Specyalski of 124 Boston Road, Middletown, and Miss Jennie Clara Ciss, daughter of Mrs.

Frances Ciss of Rivers street. Miss Lois Reisch. daughter of Mr. and. Mra.

Otto Reisch of Main street, a student at Wagner College, Staten Island, N. attended the annual junior prom at. Debis T. Keller the South reporter for The Mermiss Record med ROVE advertising given him will receive: prompt and careful attention. All sews matter should Mr.

Kelley's hands, when possible, no later than 9 P. but news Importance will be bandied midnight. Mr. Kelley's office la en Ave. Phone 300-M.

der construction in Southington. Mother's Night Program University of Connecticut last evening as the guest of Jack co*ckayne, son of Mr. and Mra. Percy co*ckayne of Highwood avenue. Members of the Friendly Circle of the First Baptist church will meet Tuesday night at the home of Mrs.

F. Douglas Lewis on Belleview avenue. Mrs. L. M.

Stuart will be the assisting hostess. William J. Tarrant of 270 North Main street has been 'appointed steward of the Southington Country club. The club has already opened for the season. The voting machines.

that. 1 will be used in the annual borough election Monday will be sealed this evening by Sumner P. Wallace and Urbin T. Kelley, custodians. The voting hours on Monday will be from 12 noon until 7 p.

m. The funeral of John Russo, 58, of Chestnut street, will be held this morning at 7:30 o'clock from the Gould funeral home arid at 8 o'clock at St. Thomas' church where requiem high mass will be said. Burial will be In St. cemetery.

the Plantsville Congregational Choir. a rehearsal will be held church this evening at 7 o'clock. Announcement has been made of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rossiter of New Tork city, former local residents, Continued Improvement is shown in the condition of Bernard Martin of West street (at the Bradley, Memorial hospital.

Over 15 new homes are now uh- The Record le en Sale Dally to the following News Stores: Oxley's Drug Store, Southington; Candy Shop, Southington; Morton Plantsville; All 1 Middletown News Dealers: All Wallingford News Dealers. ding anniversary. Mr. Brown has served 8.8 a constable an Berlin for many years years ago was appointed deputy sheriff. Mrs.

G. Patchin Tompkins and small son of New York city are the guests of Mrs. S. A. Fiske of Hudson street.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodell and Mr. and Mrs. are in charge of the and Timothy, dance in Berlin Grange hall this evening at 8 o'clock.

The Berlin High school tennis team will play the John Fitch high school of Westport at the Berlin courts Tuesday, May 1. Funeral of Mrs. Kahms Funeral services for Mre. Augusta Kahma who died at: her home in East of a heart attack. were veterday from Berlin, her home with Rev.

Samuel Sutcliffe, of St. Mark's church, New Britain officiating. Burial was in. Wilcox cemetery, East Berlin and the pall bearers were Harold Day, William Kahms, Richard Bowers, and George Poilard. SOUTH MERIDEN Mrs.

Harry Johnson, correspondent, 156 Main Street. Phone 2816-W Sunday school will meet 9:45 a. m. on Sunday at the Methodist church. Morning service will be held at 11 o'clock, when the Rev.

Alson J. Smith will speak on "The Church on the Frontier." Mr. Smith has Just returned from a two trip to Montana. and other points in the West, where he went to cotain, first hand information for a biography, which he is to write. The Young People will meet at 6:30 p.

m. at the church. The Christian Doctrine class will meet at 9 a. m. today at Holy church.

Masses will be said on Sunday morning at. 8:30: and 10:30 o'clock by the Rev. Walter A. McCrann. Mrs.

Roland Lynn of Main street spent few days in Pine Orchard during this week. Nature Notes Many interesting discoveries continually await the person interested in outdoor life. Recently Mr. Johnson noted a peculiar formation on his purple leaved white birch tree. The usual long er catkins or aments were noted on the ends of the branches but in addition there were slender emaller ones about an inch long standing upright along the stem.

Somewhat puzzled he resorted to: his small nature library. and found that our birches and others have two kinds of catkins, those at the ends of the branches being staminate, formed the year before, while the other upright ones are the pistillate forms which the little three winged nutleta form. Take note of some birch trees and observe thie formation. The Women's society annual I meeting will be held on May 12, with a supper at 6:30 o'clock followed by election of officers for the ensuing year. There will be a meeting: Monday night at Hanover school baseball field of the young men of the South Meriden Methodist church, for the purpose of forming a soft ball team.

to, be Included in the Fellowship softball league of Wallingford. The first game of the season is scheduled for 6:30 p. m. on May 12 at Simpson field In Wallingford between the Mr. and Mrs.

team and the South Meriden Methodists, Miss Dorothy Saunders of Evansville avenue, recently returned home after spending a short vacation at Eustis, Florida. Mrs. Harry Hirst and son returned home on Thursday from the Meriden hospital. A Mother's Night, program will be presented at thy meeting of Kittonic Post, American Legion, in the Legion hall Monday at 8 p. m.

The committee in: Mrs. Anna Chalmers, Mrs. Victoria Celello, Miss 1 Else Reisch, Mrs. Ruth Lachelt, Mrs. Florence Noble, Mrs.

Christina Captone, Miss Mary Zoufaly, Mrs. Dorothy Atwater, Mrs. Julia Mi(kosz, Mrs. Anna Sosenko and Mrs. Katherine Andrews.

New London, May 2. (AP) 72- vear-old man known both died today as fire encompassed his George, Rossin and Gieorze Russell apartment. Police and firemen were unable to enter his room. A. M.

KIDDER CO. Established 1865 30 Colony Street. Meriden. Closing Net Prices Change Amn Locomotive Amn Rolling Mills 14 Amn Smelting Amn Tel Tel Anaconda Copper Bendix Aviation Bethlehem Steel 70 Bower Roller Bearing Bridgeport Brass 914 nada Dry 12. Ohio Chrysler Climax Molybdenum Consol Aircraft 25 Consol Edison Container Corp Contl Ins Copperweld Steel Crucible Steel 37 Curtiss Wright Curtiss Wright A 26 DuPont Elec Auto Lt Elec Boat Fidelity-Phenix Ins :36 Gen Elec Gen.

Motors Gt Northern RR pid Goodyear Tire 17 Greyhound Inter Nickel Inter Paper pfd 63 Inter Tel Tel Kennecott Copper Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Inc Loft 18 Martin Glen (Avia.) Montgomery Ward 32 Natl Dairy Shipbuilding 26 North Amp No Amn Aviation 124 Central 12 Phelps-Dodge Penn Phillips Pete Republic Steel Sears Roebuck Southern Pac Southern Rail Southern RR pfd Try Corp Oil 353 Webster Texas Corp Timken Detroit Axle United Aircraft 38 United Gas Imp 'S Rubber 21 Steel West house Mfg Wheeling Steel 223 Youngstown 32 Curb Exchange Closing Net Prices Change Alum. Co. of Am Am Cynamid Am Gas Elec Am Super Power Arkansas Gas A Blueridge Brazil Lt. Trac Central States El 1-32 Cities Service Conn Tel Elec El Bond Share Pennroad St Regis Paper Translux United Gas Bond Market New York, May 2 (AP) Rising prices ruled In most domestic bonds today under leadership the call group. Trading expanded 10.

$8,334,900, par value, from $5,952,700 yesterday when the entire list, including Domestic air lines in January flew 8,889,649 revenue miles, an increase of 22.26 per cent over January, 1940, Daily average sales of Auld milk during February, 1941, increased 3:08 per cent over the same month one year ago. Announcements Notes FOR INFORMATION AND TRANS. portation to the polls Monday, electon day call Democratic headquarters. Phone 212. HALLAHAN Funeral Home 208 Meriden Avenue Phone Southington 791-8 about gathering up a trousseau!" "Good grief!" said Brooks, in simple astonishment.

"Run along and read. your per go for a walk on the beach and see if I can And signs that the island is inhabited- Robinson Crusoe stuff," said Brooks with a grin. "Only mind you DON'T walk toward Gray Gull cottage. I'm assured Mrs. Edmonds is a dangerous woman," laughed Natalie.

definitely she is dangerous," Brooks agreed, and went out. In the bedroom Natalie opened the suitcase and unpacked swiftly. She had had fun shopping in Jacksonville between trains for what. the suitcase now held; the moderately priced garments that Coralie Simpson would have chosen. And she donned with a good deal of pleasure, a pale pink linen frock, partly gandie covering that it with as a fluffy bride-like one apron war as a wedding veil.

When she had finished, she leaned close to the large mirror and studied herself carefully; she WAS beautiful. She would have been tool not to have, known that. Yet -Brooks was not in love with her. That seemed 8 bit odd, alte told herself; not with conceit, but because other men had seemed to find her lovely and desirable, Yet of all the men she had ever known, Brooks alone had touched her heart. Why must he be the one man she had wanted--who didn't want her? She turned away from the mirror and went swiftly into the small, compact kitchen.

It was fun, she told herself gleefully, as she selected from the supplies the first meal she was to prepare for her busband. And she all but held her breath when she heard Brooks' footsteps on the little veranda and entering the living room. Brooks watched his wife as she spread a gaily patterned cloth on the little oak table in the dining nook. "Gosh, but you look pretty." he said involuntarily. "Prettier than I've ever seen you!" "That's because I'm preparing food for you, and you're hungry," Natalie teased.

"It's almost ready -here, you can help me." She placed steak, a crisp salad of tomatoes and lettuce on the ble, and brought in a plate of biscults, golden brown and piping hot. There was vegetable that had come out of a can, and there had been a chocolate cake antran iced dessert in the ice box. "It's very simple, of course. I'll do better tomorrow," she promised (To Ba Continued) COME -SURE Young Men Who Love Flying Will Find Fine Careers in the ARMY AIR CORPS Large Expansion of the Flying Cadet Program Offers Opportunity to Those Who Can Qualify. Graduates of High School, Physically Fit and Who Pass a Mental Examination Will Be Accepted.

Meeting at Meriden High School Monday May 5th at 8 O'clock 'All Young Men Unmarried, 20 Years Old But Who Have Not Reached 27 Are Invited to Come and Learn the Facts and See The Air Corps Talking Picture on the Training of FLYING CADETS.

Record-Journal from Meriden, Connecticut (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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