The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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i I 'i I I I I 1 I I lit I i 'i I II It ii I I I I i I 1 I It i1 3j ip r9 I i j1 Sffl ilp fly ffiS i i 'h II 1 1 I I ft 1 TBJS SPRING PiELD REPVBLICAX Husiaesa Notice Daily BEronLicAx by mail $9 a year by car rier 10 WistLT Republican S250 a year five copies ril ten copies 29 twenty one copies S40 Rates of one square (12 liaes or 109 words) one day 75c two da' SI2j three days 175 four days 2 one week 25 two weeks 4 One month 650 three months 17 six months 32 one rear 60 Half a square or less one day 50c two days 75c three days SI one week 150 two weeks 250 one month 450 turee mtlis 12 six months 20 one year 40 Special notices 33) per cent extra Business notices 2 a line Births marriages and deaths 25c each Weekly 15 cents a line each insertion no charge being less than 54 cents 1 he Republican has a Dailv circulation of rising Ji 090 and a Weedy of 14009 more than that of any other provincial journal in America SAMUEL LES COMPANY Publishers Springfield Mass She puHiran Springfield Thursday April 27 CITY ITEMS An important message from Richmond Va awaits Miss Henrietta call at the telegraph office Both branches of the city government will meet this evening for the consideration of the appro priation hill and other important matters The irst National bank has declared a semi annual dividend of five per cent and the Second National (old Springfield) one of six each payable May 1 The telegraph line running north from this city is being supplied with new polqg Workmen are now putting them up between Holyoke and Northampton Mr Schermerhorn has just shipped from the armory to Newbern 5000 muskets 3000 sets of cavalry accoutrements besides a quantity of whips artillery traces etc Charles Blowm was committed by the police court yesterday in default of the payment of a fine of $1440 for evading railroad Tare John O'Brien paid $905 for getting drunk Walter Harvey the gardener of Bliss in this city has sent us a couple ot encumbers raised by himself They are about a foot long each and look good enough to eat The association will meet at the high school room Saturday afternoon at 3 for the discussion of the question pupils be allowed to bring their text books into the recita The ball of the enian brotherhood which was to be eiven on the 17th of this month but was postpoped on account of President death will occur on Tuesday evening of next week The Glass Blowers entertained a large crowd last night and a magnificent present was given to Mrs George Paine as the best lady dancer On riday night the homeliest man will tret a present all speak at once! The Connecticut liver summer time table will go into effect on Monday of next week It will not differ materially fiom the present one except in the item of freight trains which will be run about the same as last year The election in the military district composed of war is 3 and 4 held yesterday resulted in the choice of George Sessions as first lieutenant and Henry Baker as second Mr Sessions has been orderly sergeant in a company of heavy ar tillery in the regular army Photographs of Richard Cobden the great English statesman lately dead as well as poi traits of many other eminent men may be found at A street The assortment is unu sually satisfactory and contains many pictures which album owners will gladly purchase Gilbert A Smith waS lucky purchaser of Samuei brick block for $4000 yester day To day at 10 a Mr Beach will sell the iiotneetead ot the late Carlo Smith on State street and at 12 1 2 the entire lot of fruit and or namental trees on the Eagle nursery grounds Both these sales offer flue opportunities to per sons who desire to purchase Mrs Thomas Bliss sister of Dr Pynchon re turned last night from Charleston where her hus band was in business when the war broke out and where she has remained during most of the time Col Lee and many other Union soldiers taken prisoners by the rebels remember many favors which Mr and Mrs Bliss have been able toshow them Provost Marshal Morehouse in conformity to orders received has sent all government clothing in his possession to a ton The orders also miss Deputy Provost Childs of this city and Root of Sheffield and diminish the force in the provost office to the boar of eniollment and three asistants Al) of which means that tue war is virtually ended When the city committee on city property can find the time we hope they will go and view park between Bridge and Worthington streets ('hey will not have to look at it a great while to discover that it is wofully iu need of re pairs As it was a gift to the city it would seem no more than proper that the city should keep it lu at ieast decent condition The Water Shops omnibus line has been sold to aud Markham of East Longmeadow and the Round Hili aud Aldi River line Ita3 been bought by Dennis Bates of COuway Holders of tickets toe latter will do well to use them this weak as the buses will prooably be withdrawn after that Mr Bates was the purchaser of Mr line of omnibuses between the depot and Armory Hill The Connecticut river railroad have erected a derrick near the Plainfield road and have a eang of men at work doiug the preliminary labor for the erection of the proposed bridge over the rail road at that point This is the plan which Coun cilman Noyes of ward one sail at the city gov ernment meeting the other night the city would never have permitted to be carried out if it had known what it was about Yesterday was the warmest yet the thermome ter mounted to 76 in the shade These warm days will hurry the more axseasou which is at least a fortnight ahead of last year though this is true more especially of the Connecticut valley as vegetation is here much more forward than southwestern Conncticut while the reverse is or dinarily the case Peach and cherry trees are blossoming all about us and promise a fine crop So also not under glass either In the superior court yesterday the suit of the administrators of the estate of Jacob Merrick against Solomon A ay of Palmer was decided by a verdict of $11200 for the plaintiffs Two divorces have been Delplua from Alex ander Burke of this city and Melissa from Hoiace Emery of Palmer both on the ground of desertion The must interesting jury case likely to come up tins term is the suit brought against Leet for $20000 damages by one of the sufferers in the Market street explosion Salmon Adams was seen in Albany a day or two ago He is the man who was formerly a clerk in the armory in this tty ami made himself notorious just before the breaking out of the nr by purchasing machinery in tins vicinity for the rebels He was afterwards mas ter armorer of the rebel gun works in Rich mond and from there wrote insulting letters to persons in this city bragging over con federate victories which had been and were to be gained Perhaps he forgotten his clandestine exit from Springfield about four yeais ago after he had enjoyed several hours seclusion in the cemetety and perhaps a company of hasn't forgotten a night which they spentin a vain search for his despicable per son It is pretty certain that he have rendered much more aid to the rebel cause if they had found him The improvement in progress atound the City Hall building is destined to be a valuable one It will give uot only a driveway but a brick side walk entirely around the building and the rear door which has heretofore been unused will ue found a very convenient additional outlet iu case of a large crowd while it will at once become tle favorite entrance of all who go to the hall iu can ja pes as vebie'es can drive within a few teet of it In place of the present planked walk in the alley running between Court and Pynchon streets a brick sidewalk six feet wide will be laid These improvements wil necessitate the cutting down of a portion of the sidewalk on the north side of Court street and a slight grade will be ma le be ginning at the western boundary of the school house grounds The drivew'ay between the City Halt tower and the Hnmpden House will also be 'Widened as the entrance to the Res has encroached upon the property THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN' THURSDAY APRIL 27 1865 and notice has been given that it can do so no longer NE ENGLAND NEWS ITEMS HAMPDEN COUNIT Anna Dickinson lectures at Westfield on the evening of May 10 A of Wes'field has sold his property corner of Elm and Orange streets in that town to Henry Perry for $4000 The Holyoke wire mills lately purchased by the Whiting paper company are now undergoing the necessary alterations previous to becoming paper mills and will be rca to commence ope rations in a few months The Parsons paper company of Holyoke manufacture from two to three tons of paper a day Chicopee has been quietly enjoying the small pox for several weeks although only one or two fatal cases have yet occurred The disease is lapidly spreading however as very few precau tion are taken (in many cases none at all) by fami lies infected with it In one instance a factory girl went to work in the morning wearing the same clothes she wore while nursing one of the sickest small pox patients the night before The board of health which is the board of selectmen would study the interests of their constituents by enforcing a stricter regime than that There is no material diminution of work at the Ames works in Chicopee on account of the closing up of the war and none is expected at present Mrs Hutchins the music teacher gave a gar last night to which many of her pu pils and friends were invited Maple and merri ment mixed mellifluously and the participants will store away sweet memories of the evening as they saccharine which was just a trifle expeditious HAMPSHIRE COUNIT ranklin Dickinson of Belchertown has been designated by Gov Andrew as trial justice of criminal cases for the county The Amherst post office building is to be thor oughly renovated and remodeled the coming summer It is to be elevated and enlatged and will afford desirable stores in the basem*nt When completed it will be a commodious sub stantial three story building The post office will be removed during the progress of repairs Amherst college matters The sophom*ore class received an addition of four men at the opening of the present term Arthur Hardey of the freshman class and son of Alpheus Hardy of Boston has received an appointment to a cadetship at West Point Prof Edward Tuckerman is giv ing a course of lectures to the senior class on history Proceedings in the case of Hutchins ar rested for liquor selling at Amherst were stayed by his paying the costs of prosecution and promising to refrain from the business hereafter BERKSHIRE COUNTY The students of Williams college are about erecting a monument to their comiades who have fallen on the battle fields of the present war It will be placed in front of Griffin Hall and is in tended to be worthy of the college and of the fallen heroes it commemorates Edwin Jenks of Adams has been reapnrinted a trustee of the state lunatic hospital at Woices ter WORCESTER COUNTY The Boston chap Who started on Monday to walk to Washington arrived at Worcester Tuesday afternoon and after a short rest started on again He will be likely to get to this city this afternoon or to morrow morning The suorcme court at Worcester has just awarded $9687 damages to Ballou of Water ford for damages received from a car that struck him while tossing the Norfolk county owing to a misplaced switch The case however goes to the full bench on various law questions Worcester is in danger of losing the new school of industrial science which somebody is going to found in this state because she is tardy in sub scrib ng $50000 for the purchase of land build ings Give Spi ingfield the offer and see how quick she would take it EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS The shops in Boston are to be closed on Sunday hereafter commencing the first Sun day in May The German billiard tournament at Boston the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the fiee German English school in that city opened suc cessfully Tuesday afternoon ifteen games in all ate to be played The billiard seances of Carme closed ednesday evening and the tal ented rench player goes next to Providence Edmonia Lewis a young girl of African and Indian origin is producing quite a sensation as a sculptress at Boston She has just executed a bust of Dr Hebard by order of his Boston friends which is pronounced a decided success The ust National bank of Marlboro has de clared a dividend of 8 per cent The Charles town five cents savings bank has declared an ex tra dividend of 3 per cent per annum for the three years ending April 19 in addition to its regular 5 per cent annual dividends The ildwm pl ice church at Boston recently purchased as a for little is nearly ready for occupancy It is estimated that 400 little wanderers can be comfortably accom modated in the institution The cooper shop of A Priggs at Barnstable was destroyed by fire on Sunday week Loss $1500 The petroleum works of the New Bedford oil company were burned on Monday Loss from 88000 to $10000 Houses on the Back bay in Boston which a few months ago sold for $28000 or $30000 now bring $50000 to $55000 Tee friends of Marfin Griffin of Boston senator from the second Suffolk district presented him with a handsome watch and chain worth $400 Tuesday evening Rev rancis Hicks pastor of the Second Univcrsalist church died at Lowell Sunday tom a disease somewhat resembling spotted fever The salute in honor of the was not fired at ort Winthrop Boston harbor till Tuesday the order not having leached there till Monday evening Recruiting having been suspended in this state Major Clarke has issued orders to the district provost marshals to reduce the number of assist ants at the different offices Already quite a number of clerks have been discharged and a considerable quantity of arms and equipments been returned to Boston Thecaitndgc manufacture at the Watertown arsenal has been decreased one half and much other work is being suspended especially that on gun carriages Work will be begun immediately upon the Masonic temple to be located at the corner of Tremont and Boylston streets Boston The building when completed will be among the finest specimens of architecture at the hub Edwin Walden of Lvnn has been appointed one of the inspectors of the state prison MAINE The jewelry store of Charles Sweet in Bangor was ro'ibed of $400 worth of goods early Sunday morning The state agricultural college is still unlocated Benjamin Nourse of Boston formerly of Ban gor has offered as an unconditional gift his farm at Corner in Orrington the area of which is over 400 acres with all its farm imple ments build ngs and improvements Ship building on the Kennebec has been very much depressed but is reviving considerably just now A person evidently disguised was arrested on the train on the Grand Trunk railroad at Paris Monday suspected to be an accomplice of NEW HAMPSIURB Sarah Webber charged with killing Alfred A Tolman at a bowling saloon at Keene in November last was tried last week and the jury returned a verdict of guilty of manslaughter Col Henry Kent of Lancaster commander of the guard of New Hampshire is visiting the several companies forming that or ganization to arrange that the corps be regularly enlisted in the state militia VERMONT The Vermont Valley railroad (Brattleboro to Bellows alls) lias been leased for ten years from May 1 by the Rutland and Burlington railroad Norman Wood of Bakersfield state senator from ranklin county died on riday of last week A saw mill in Ripton owned by Norman Lewis was burned a few nights since loss $2000 A company has been formed in Irasburgh for manufacturing boxes for keiosene cans which are made for shipment to Europe The company has purchased 500 acres of timbered land and the lumber on 800 acres more Some 5000 to 6000 feer of lumber are cut daily and an average of about 500 boxes are turned out and sent off in' the same time RHODE ISLAND Henry Buinett of Manville was taking a load of bay into Providence on Tuesday when his horse took flight throwing him off the load and the wheels passing over him caused almost in stant death CONNECTICUT Mr House of East Bridgeport tried to shoot a cat and had fired two or three shots at her when puss* ran between his feet He fired and shot himself in the leg inflicting a severe wound Mr Rice speaker of the house of representa tives last year is likely to be chosen again this Mr Buck of Hartford the assistant last year will be chosen cletk and John Morris of New Haven editor of the Connecticut War Record is talked of for assistant clerk A stalk of rye was cut at Southington on the 20th which was 20 inches high andhad a bead already formed Rather early although the farm ers of old times used to say they never knew April to end without rye heads appearing George Burke a discharged man or man fell from a train near Dan telson ville Monday evening while intoxicated and was instanly killed The irst and Second National banks of Nor wich have each declared semi annual dividends of 5 per cent Adjutant William Ilincks of the 14th regi ment has been appointed to be major Hartford is trying to abolish its district school system and have a simpler and moie economical arrangement The election parade at Hartford next Wednes day promises to be the finest ever witnessed in the state so the enthusiastic papers of that city say Invitations have been extended to all the military companies in the state to Gov enton and Ex Gov Morgan of New York to the gov ernors of the several New England states mem bers of Congress and other distinguished men and to the ex governors of Connecticut Nume rous bands of music have been engaged and tho military part of the display is expected to be par ticularly good The Burial of Abraham Lincoln BY WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT Oh slow to smite and swift to spare Gentle and merciful and just! Who in the fear of God didst bear The sword of power a trust In sorrow by thy bier we stand Amid the awe that hushes all And speak the anguish of aland That shook with horror at thy fall Thy task is done thebond are free We bear thee to an honored grave Whose noblest monument shall be The broken fetters of the slave Pure was thy life its bloody close Hath placed thee with the sons of light Among the ncble host of those Who perished iu the cause of right rom North Carolina AVORABLE STATE EELING The two newspapers of Raleigh the Standard and Progress express the deepest concern and re gret at the assassination of President Lincoln The Progress says the great mass of the people of North Carolina and the South deeply deplore the act The Standard says: has fallen at the bight of bis lame just as the sun of peace was bursting on his whole country which he had re deemed by his constancy his patriotism and his devotion to the endless existence of the American Union His name will live always while his as sassins and their prompters will be execrated as the basest and the most cowardly of human kind The secession of the cotton states which com menced in crime has ended in assassination We thank God that we are not responsible for either the commencement or the termination of this horrid busine The Standard says of the military and political situation contest is now over and it is the duty of every good citizen of this state to do all in his power to re establish and strengthen the national authority Davis has fled Vanee has fled Smith has fled secession is dead treason has been extinguished in its own blood and the old flag once more waves proudly over the capital of every state Thank God for it The period so long looked for and labored for by the true men of this state has ot last arrived Let those who are the authors of all the horrors through which we have passed and those who during the last two years have identified themselves with the Davis ana Vance despotisms make up their minds to retire to private life The people have no use for them Politically they are doomed men for all time to The Standard declares against the tolerance of the present state government and calls for a new election by the people The Progress of the 19th says: Sherman docs not want to annoy or injure the people of North Carolina but if his demand be not complied with and if Johnston a ttempts further resistance we pity the country through which Union armies may pass A week ago the feeiing in the Union army toward North Carolina was that of fraternal almost brotherly kindness but now we regret to say there is some bitterness on account of the brutal murder of the president by some hired ruffian of the plotters of treason Of course the people of this state are in no way responsible for this deed which shocks humanity and blots American civil ization but the innocent as well as the guilty may have to suffer fur it if armed resistance to the government be nerare 'Enounces Gov Vallee as a des says he waa bonSht UP by the rusts with the promise of the succession to 'avis that he boasted that Sherman should be defeated and driven out of North Carolina and that he was the first to run when Sherman ap proached Raleigh Advices from Newbein to the 22d are received The city was draped mourning and a meeting was held that day to express the public sorrow for the vr U1O preslUCUt 1 11B ItalCIgil Standard and Progress are still conducted by their old proprietors and appear in mourning Ratification of the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery is regarded certain Desire to return to the Union appears general throughout the state Tire Raleigh Standard says it is authorized by Gen Shermau to state it Gov Vance leg islature will return they will be protected If they do not they must not complain if steps are taken to supeisede them The Mexican minister at Washington had a lengthy and important private interview with the president Monday Gen Ortega has been sent for from St Louis Newoomb'b This celebrated troupe will give one concert at the City Hall Wednesday evening May 3d The Newcombs are well known in our city and they come to us strongly reinforced and improved for the spring and summer campaign In addition to their tine corps of vocalists musicians and comedians twenty two in number they have the great rench Zouave who will appear in his un approachable musket and bayonet drill The Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln by Holland given in the City Hall Springfield April 19 has been published in an elegant pamphlet price 15 cents Also the same in connection with the other proceedings of the day in Springfield Mayor proclamation and address the services in the churches the out dodr meeting fee in a large and beautifully printed pamphlet price 25 cents or sale at The Republican Office and byL Towers married At Middlefield 25th by Rev rancis Warriner Rev Nathaniel Bonney of Peru and Sarah Ingham DIIID In this city 26th Carrie 29 wife of Ell Swr atland jy uneral to morrow (riday) at the irst Baptist church at 10 e'clock a riends are in vited At the Dale general hospital in Worcester 52j Jonx Goland gjy uneral to be held at the Methodist church in hicopee alls to day Thursday) the 27th at 2 At lltli Emily wife of Olney Cook and daughter of Lewis Draper At Southwick 11th Solomon Tuttle 83 At Westfield 24th Eliza 59 wife of Stephen Spellman 19th Samuel 13 son of Winthrop eller At Granby Ct 15tb rances 20 wife of Oscar Case At Cheben 22d Dea Sylvester Hunt for 12 years connected with tle Boston post office At New Orleans 17th Lieut EbenezerC Traver Jr 27 son of Ebenezer Thayer of Braintree late of the 2 Louisiana mounted Infantry SUction bales Great and positive sale SPLENDID VERMONT HORSES AT AU TION I fhsll on Saturday April 29 at 10 a In rerof Livery Stable 13 young Horses just brought from Vermont and Canada mny of them splen did drivers and valuable business hordes Part ot ihe lotareat Mr stable in rearof the Ameri can House balance at stabks unjoining Mr yinonds Livery where they can be seen atd driven any time pre vious to day of sale Parties willflud really pood and valuable Hones offered aud a saie worthv their attention 5d BEACH TVO BUILDING LOTS ox LORING STREET AT AUCTION Will be sold on the premises on riday April 28th at 10 precisely two fine Building Lots on Lo ring the property of Mr Keith Sa front on the street some 3 rods and deep about 6 The street is destined to be a popular and pleaaent all fine build ing ground and as building materials are rapidly finding their old level as to prices it becomes daily more for the interest of parties to build rather than to pay the present prices for houses a24 5d THEO BEACH Z1REAT POSITIVE SALE VX RUII AND ORNAMENTAL TREES SHRUBBERY Ac AT AUCTION I shall sell on the premise? on Thursday April 27 at 12 the entire lot of ruif Trees Shrub bery fcc on the celebrated Eagle Nursery grounds IX miles north of the depot on the roao to cabotvllle The property having changed hands and to be converted to other purposes an entire dean sweep will be maae the whIe lot witbout regard to prices AU must go Par ties having any ground to spare for trees will miss great bargains ir they allow themselves to forego this great positive sale An arrangement will probably be made ibr tree omnlouses from the depot to ae sale THEO 1) BEACH Auctioneer a24 4d Office 209 Main street QPLENDID LOCATION REAL ESTATE ON STATE STREET AUCTION SALE POSITIVE By license of the Probate Court will be sola on the premises at public auction on Thursday April 27th at 11 a the Homestead of the late Carlo Smith situated on tate street opposite Armory grounds This property is too well known to need puffing It is about miaway between Main street and the Armory and is one of the most desirable locations for a first class i evidence in the city The Lot is fifty eight feet front seventeen and a half rods oeep and fifty four feet wide in rear GOKH1M A friend of the Minor Heirs and Agent of all others interested 4d BEACff OR SALE AT AUCTION AT ROUTH HADLV ATTR Will be sold at public auction on the premises on Thursday the 27th day of April inst at 3 the house and lot owned and formerly occupied by the subscriber Said property is pleasantly and centrally located on School street in the village of South Hadley alls The lot is four rods front bv 11 deep containing fruit trees grap vines and affording space for a good garden The house is a two story irame building in good repair containing eight rooms which may be conveniently oc cHpied by two and is a very desirable property either for occupation as a homestead or will be a good invesmint or renting Terms made known at the time and place or sale al9 9d WATHRMAN piRST CLASS HOUSES AT AUCTION RIDAY APRIL 28 at 11 a tn we shall sell at auction on the premises TWO DWELLING HOUSES (Nos 3 and 4) In George Walker's Brick Block (corner ot State and Maple streets) These Houses contain 12 room each with pantry china linen and numerous other closets They were built in 18t) after plans ot Bryant Esq a well known Boston architect in the most thorough and sub stantial manner they are he i ted by Chi cone lur naces having also grates and marble mantels in throe principal rooms They hve perfect drainage and are abundantly supplied with pure water No 3 (which tor three years past has been occupied by Hon Geo Dwight) is thoroughly plumbed and Unisbed with a basem*nt kitchen Part of the purchase money can remain on mortgage if desired RICE CLARK Agents State street Beach Auctioneer a22 ftd ffiiscdlaneottg Wholesale Notion House Powder agency and Ageut for Perpetua Calendar Clocks 10'j Mafn st mii 6md )R SALE CHEAP One silver plated Draw Stand (Sota) two patent Ice Cream reezers Apply to a22 6d 8 A JACOBS Chicopee Mass HESRY SMITH Pawnbroker and dtalei in Gold and Silver American and Swbs Watches Clocks Jewelry Gold Pens tc Also personal at en tlou given the Repairing of ine Watches No 4 Allis Block above the Deuot f24 Mechanics hall bowling sa LOON Lyman st near the Depot Sprlngflejd Mass JAMES A au22 ly Proprietor AND TAX BOOKS made to any pattern at short notice by SAMUEL BOWLES CO Republican Office Bindery 2JOOD Masonic Vr Monitor 192 pp Old Jokes 40c Hand Book of Billiards 40e Yale College Scrapes 39c Court ship Made Easy 15o Complete arrier 15c Boxing Made Easy 15c All sent post paid Cat logue free bv a25 Imdaw HUNTER Co Hinsdale pONNECTICCT RIVER SHAD We are packing a forwarding to all pans of the country genuine Connecticut River had All orders whether large or small faithfully attended to GILMORE A BOND 19 No 6 Market st Springfield Mass JJAGS! BAGS! OB LOUR BUCKWHEAT GRAIN SALT HAMS 4e Manufactured and for sale at lowest market prices by EZRA WHITON 31 Commercial street opposite the East end of Quincy Market Boston a22 3md ROUBLE DITCH SHAD 1 have made arrangements with Mr Parker for all the Shad caught this season by him at Double Ditch am fresh from the river Orders received through the Post Office or at the ish Market corner Main and Cypress streets (north of the depot) will rec ive prompt atten tion Orders irom abroad also promptly attended to a22 WEBBER JOYAL HAVANA LOTTERY In drawing of March 16 1865 No 20418 drew if 9000 No 20097 drew 859000 No 1152 drew 825000 No 25156 drew 10009 No 2005 drew being tne five capital prizes Seventy five percent premium paid for prizes Inform atlcn furnished The highest rates paid tor Doubloon and all kinds of Gold and Silver TAYLOR CO a4 3md Wall street New York Latest news from the DYE HOUSE on West Worthington SMITH A MUNGER havejust opened anew uyeing Establishment for tlie purpose of Dyeing Cleans! and Repairing all klnCs of Garments and arc now ready to receive orders from t'eli friends ana all who may give them a call All work warranted to give satisfaction and done according to agreement SMITH MUNGER SMITH A MONGER At the same place we have 509 Barrels of lour for sale which must be sold for we want the room Cai and see for yourselves 121 SMITH A BRG QLD AND YOUNG SHOULD USE AMBROSIA OR THE HAIR It prevents or stops the Hair from fanlag Cleanses Beautifies Preserves and renders It soft and Glossy and the Head free from Dandruff It Is the best Hair Dressing and Preservative In th world AMBROSIA MANUACTURING CO Sole Proprietors New York A DARK SENTENCE drive my horse faeter than the law The above was In renly to asta ement from me that laws were vio lated everyday and no notice taken of it whatever" and Instanced fust driving in thes rec Now the only con clusion I can come to is that If that person with the horse he owns and drives can't violate the law that It can be done at all and in bls present position he ought to have the law repealed at once I am lor law and for having offictrs that will infrco them ac cording to law without sublectlng the city to ex pense of contesting unimportant points In any law Our burdens are heavy enough for worthy objects without tq innoeriiig a farthing tor any such pur pose Come who buys the next House? I have got good assortment fur customers to select from van mg in price from 309 to 8099 two very desirable ones on Dale avenue And If I can't suit you with sny 1 have on hand I can have one built to order in about ten days Please give me a call before purchasing elsewnere Mai ms and ot ers In scant of sand must notforget that the deposit in my bank Is almost endless Loam and clay in quantities to meet a demands It LADD No 83 East Union street I shall try the spunk of our senator i the ex mayor again soon 25 eod LADD 2Unnscnunt6 MINSTRELS?" kft 161'11 ANNUAL TOUR CITY HALL Osr Night Only WEDNESDAY MAY 3d THE NEW ONUS 22 KROKMER9 Remodeled and improve! the spriug a summer tour of IWtf In addition to this takuted troupe is the groat rench Zouave Muns Austin whose wonderful perform ance is alone worth the price of admUsloo tail to see him Doors open at 7 commence at 8 Admission 35 cents a26 6d a CLARKE Agent rjHE YALE COLLEGEGLEE CLUB will give a GRAND VOCAL CONCERT in City Hall Bfbingfibld ON RIDAY EVENING MAY Sth consisting of Qcabtettes Comic Songs College Sonos Patbiotic Songs Tickets 25 cts Reserved Seats 50 ets or sale at Wol Music Store and at the door Doors open at 7 Concert commences at 8 a24 tmy3 0ITY HALL MASTER RICHARD co*kER Principal Soprano of Trinity Choir New York will give ONE GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT On Thursday Evening May 4th 1865 Assisted by rmlnent artists under the direction of Dr CUI LEB organist of Trinity Church New York ADMISSION ITY CENTS Tickets to be had at Music Store and Book Store or full particulars see Program' al12weod WIDDOWS Business Manager Wants VV our Boarders at No 6 Stock TI bridge st rear of the Universdhst church 3d HOUSE WANTED Of six or seven rooms within ten or fifteen minutes walk of the City Hal) Ii quire of CLAitK BRYAN Republican Office a22 PAPER MAKER One capable of running a Cylinder Machine Apply to UNION PAPER CO a21 Two good Tin Plate Workers vl at No 12 West ta st at CLaRK'S Stove Store a24 61 VV ANTED Male or emale There is a good home for one that understands playirg the piano forte Inquire ai No 5 Stockbridge st a26 3d WANTED 50 Experi enced Stitchers men and women to work on gov ernment work CUMMINGS Springfield Mass TITAN TED A situation by a boy 14 years IT old used to farming or other out door work In quire of A CRAIG No 3 Union House Block Snring field Mass a26 3d "MTLLINERS WANTED Three more first ATX rate Milliners wanted to whom good wagesand steady work will be given Inquire immediately at ISAA OX 8 233 Main st a25 TXT ANTED To hire a pleasant tenement lor a small family within a convenient distance of my business CHAS HUDSON 18 Corner Main and rotate sts Two good Spinners can find steady employment and good pay at the Woolen Mills of the Greenfield Manfg Co Greenfield Mass a216d PETEK KING AMAN would like a situation as Clerk in a dry goods or grocery store either city or country Has had experience in the business lor the last seven years Address SALESMAN Box 393 Hob oke Mass s22 fid A GENTS On salaries or other LX wise for various kinds of profitable business Apply to HENRY WH1IE Oilico No 1 Taylor Olmsted's Block corner of Main and Taylor streets Springfield Mass a 19 A ORPHAN BOY in his 7th year large and healthy easy to learn and of respectable parent age wishes robe adopteaor taken until of suitable age to learn a trade Persons wanting such a boy will please address Springfield Mass Box No 1043 az5 5d VVANTEO Gentlemen atid Ladies of good address to canvass Hampden county Mass and Hartford county onn for one of the best selling works in the United States Selections of towns nrav be made by applying at lorence A Agency Room 12 Block 9 to 12 a and 2 to 4 a25 Od WANTED $10000 Upon receipt of 50 IT cents I will inform any Laay or Gentleman how I made 1990 per month and how they can do the same No capital required business reiineo and attracrive and so simule that any pel son can succeed in it Boys have made 509 per month by it Address for circulars and in for nation BREWER Box 383 Niles Michigan alO 3wd VV Agents in every town to sell my IT New Engiaving entitled "Home on a engraved by John I anticipate nearly as large a sale for this as for Little which wiD be nearly 25990 copies in New England al me One old agent writes never have sold anything that begun to sell like or full particulars apply to or address HOLLAND 7 Block a29 daw riARRIA PAINTER Want'd one first rate Carriage one that thoroughly understands his business To such a one I will give the best of nay and steady employment HAviMERSLEY House and Carriage Painter Chicopee Paint and Pap Store No 2 Parker's Block west of the Cabot House and opposite Chicopee river bridge mistake the place for there is another Hammerslev In town a22 6d VVAA TED Experienced Agents School Teachers and others are wanted to sell my neXv and popular BOOKS and ENGRAVINGS either on a salary or commislon Several of my publications have slreadv reached a sale of over one hundred thousand copies and are still meetin? with a rapid sale Those especia ly who have traveled as agents understand why they sell and to experienced canvassers the most favorable inducemnt wn Springfield Mass Office A A I Hahtfvbd Conn April 13th 1865 CAVALRY AND ARTILLERY HOUSES WANTED will piuchase in open market all Horses that may pass iiipeciion at the Government Sta bles Hartford until further notice as follows Cavalry Horses 5 to 19 cars old 15 to Is hands high Artiilei Hor es 6 to 19 years old 1554 to 16 hands high over 1 100 po nnds and of ark co or Price ror cavulrv Horses 160 price for Artfllery Horses Silt payable it such funds as mav be furnished by the Government KELLEK apt Act Ass't Quartermaster GENTS WANTED TO CANVASS OR A NEW NATIONAL LN CRAVING ROM A STEEL PLATE ESTITLtd READESGTIIE PR'CLAMAI ION EKiANCIPA TiON IN THE CABIN No subject can be more appropriate for a lopular nrint at the present time than ihe one here presented As a memento of the author of the Proclamation has no equal It was the g' eat act of his and of the nineteenth century The cause in which he sacrificed his life for the good of his country and the irec dom of the oppressed While the Print is acknowledged to be cheap by good judges two hundred and fifty dollars i tho receipts of each and every thousand impressions will beconated to the education of lie reedmen through the American Missionary Association sending out and supporting teachers purchasing books Ac BTBBINA a2G 2dlw Hartford Ct £et 7110 A pleasant front room furnished 1 or unfurnished Inquire No 11 Howard st a26 zd TO RENT Two or three desirable rooms untarnished convenient to the Armory or Main st Address Box 535 a26 2d fpO RENT Three chambers as lodging rooms or as a tenement for a man and wife Inquire No 89 Water street a262d rpORENT LAKE HOUSE BURLINGTON VT The most desirable Public Ilonse pleasantly situated near the attractive waters of Las Ch'implaln and with in a short and convenient distance to all tho Depots and steamboat Landings in the thrlfyand admired city of Burlington Is now offered In connection with a large number of pleasant and desirable apartments In Noyes' Block to rent upon favorable terms Ti ls House Is ceinmoiilous and well adapted to Hotel purposes is fitted tin with modern improvements and is within close proximity to ail the Depots and Boat Land ings Its favorable locality should make it widely mid favor ably known md good man gemeiit would bring to it a large and profitable business It commands fine views ef the Lake from whose gentle breezes the heat of Summer is much modified Lake George Tl tho "nattlo grounds of Platts burgh" Bri many other points of his toric fime and luterest are readilv accexsiblo The Ad I rondacs on the west our own Green Mountains em bracing Hump tho Chin Nose and Old Mans field tower up on the eistwitn a pleaswt variety of picturesque and delightlul scenery in nearly every direc tion greets ihe ye To an experienced capable business man one thor oughly acqmilu cd with Hotel business this House offers a strung and rare Inducement Possession givtn immediately Apply GEO A MERRILL Rutlan Vt MORILLO NOYES 22 2wd Burlington Vt Application for Ageneie? or be made toHENRY Agent of the Guardian Life Insurance Letters directed to the above Mass wU1 receive due atten ormatbn respecting terms and probable profits of freely tiivep in answer to in onines Office No 1 in Taylor new bnildimr Main treet 5 dianrro for fr yjincsfl f1O One of the neatest Saloons on tfie' Connecticut river newly fitted np and oomprising a large store room cook ami refreshment rooms licst aud Incoming low Apply to REYNOLDS Grecn flcld Maas S24 2wd SALE A well established OYSTER SALOON with BAR attached now doing a hand some traUness Reason for selling the nroorletor has other business Apr ly at 297 MAIN STREEP comer of Mulberry Hartford Conn a'25 3d OR SALE A first class Ice rem da aud Confectionery Saioon and Restaurant is offered fr sale The iocaiioi is one of the best in Vermont ami the fl ish of the saloon ta surpassed by pone In New England or further par ticulars address HEMENWAY Box 57 rat tie boro vt al8 TJARE CHANCE OR Thextr undersigned will allow an intelligent active man of good address to canvass for several leading ire and Life insurar ce Companies in this city and vicinity This is a rare opportunity to engage in safe and profitable bus! ness Apply between the hours of nine and twelve fl clock at the corner of Main and Tavlor sts to m13 fiENKY WHITE "DARE CHANCE OR BUSINESSTBe Ing about to change my business I will sell the property known as the I'ittsneld and Dalton Express and Mail Route from Da ton to a gooa paving business his is a rare opportunity for any person wish ing an easy pleasant and profitable business par CLARKE a21 10d Pittsfleid 'Mass ttHjoii it ffian Concern ffHE C0 PARTNE8SHIP heretofoze ex isting between Smith and Peter Muxgee la this cay dissolved by mutual consent All bills will be settled by et Munger Springfield April 25 1865 a26 3d QPRINGIELD INSTITUTION OR The annual meeting of the Corporation for the choice of officers tor the ensuing yeir and trans action of such other business as may pioperly come be foie the meeting will be held at their Banking room on Wednesday the third day of Mav next at 10 o'clock am al HENRY LEE Treasurer fpHE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore exist Ing between the subscribers under the name of Knowlton Geeenh is ihisday dissolved by mutual consent Mr Knowlton will continue the practice of law at Room No 2 and Mr Greene at Room No 1 of the offices hereto fore occupied by us in the I'ost Office Building KNOWLTON WM GREENE Springfield April 14th 1865 a25 6d MIGRATION TO "OREGON The New Id Eng and Emigrant Aid Company will dispatch a first class vessel to Poitland in Oregon on or about the 15tb of May with spe lai arrangements for the convenience of passengers amilies can take passage from Boston direct to at the ow price 175 each for children under twelve at half price Passen njAke immediate aptJlica'fon by letter to JOnN WILLIAMS Oregon Agent of Emigrant Aid Com pany 8 Studio Building Boston who will give all neces sary information ag TV OT Whereas citizens of Springfield XV supposed to ontertrin unpopular political senti ments have been visited by parties of men ad boys their houses invaded and their persons threatened with vio lence this is to caution all persons against such proceed intis in future and towamthose disposed to engage Id them that the Quiet and good order the city must not be disturbed npon any pretext and that upon the repeti tion thereof parties guilty ill arrested and proceeded against in accordance with the provisions of law A BRIGGS Mayor Office Springfield April 20 1365 a21 £1OAL AT COST! CHARTER OAK MUTUAL CO 4L COMPANY HARTORD CAPITAL STOCK Number op hares Subscription Price The proprietors put THE TREASURY AS THE 8359000 35000' 19 per Share 500(9 of the above into JASH WORKING CAPITAL PRESIDENT THOMAS BELKNAP Esq President Slate Eaiik Hanford TRUSTEES HON HENRY DEMING 1st Congressional Die trict HENRY A REDIELD Esq Cashier hcenix Bank A BROWN sq City Treasurer of Hartford CALLENDER Esq Cashier State Bank Hartford JAS BATTERSON Esq President Ins Co Hartford A CLARK Esq Editor Daily Courant ROSWELL BLODGETT Esq BRACKEN Esq of Philadelphia and Potsville Pa Treasurer A BROWN Esq Secretary ARTHUR GILMAN Esq HUBBARD Esq Attorney Bankers THE STATE BANK HARTORD Each ehare of stock in this coropanentitles the holder to receive one ton coal no at Ito actual coet of production ol twenty years Th" derivable property is of the very quality fnown as the iklll Red Ash" and commands the highest price rerton in the Philadelphia market Similar companies ing now in su cessfuloB eration in he cities of Philadelphia Ntw Yolk Brook iyn and Boston it has ben decided to exttnd the bene fits of the plan to tv ol Springfield The coal can now be delivered in Springfield and vicia about J9 per ton with a corresponding reduction as freights are reduced during the coming season it is proposed to divide hirtv flve t' ousand tons of the pro duct of the mine among the stoc holders in this company giving one ton of coal a year to each share at actual cost and to sell the remaind of the product of the mine to the public at market rates dividing tie profits realized tneretrom among the sto kboiders of the company This will give each shareholcer i nly 'lie four or five dol lars saved on esch ton of coal at its present rates but also a profit of at least 26 cent per annum In cash div id nda upon the amount of his investment Upon this plan it will readily bo seen that an investment oi one or two hundred dollars In this company wilt give each subscriber his coal at cost and nearly two per cent a month additional cash upon the amount so invested It should be borne in mind that whatever price coar may fall to at any future time a comnanv organized on the mutual principle of equalization of profit among its stockholders can elwavs supply its members at a very much less rate per ton than the lowest remunerative market prices '1 he number of shares is fixed at35000 the par value ofthesh res is 10 price 810 Tbepropri ors putting 59000 out ot the above into the treasury nlial The title to this lease is pro nersona ra'2'e Per'ect and there is no lty nf 'todiholdo and no further calls or in be mad "Pn 'hem co Ih if Shareholders do noi wish to receive top coal tnev ue entIlea thajr their particufi benefit by the company and the profits arising thcrefroA paid to them In audition to their regu lar semi ann al ib dividend The coal will beeHveied in Springfield or adjoining towns and snbscripn from these places will stand on a footing those Innartiord The books for tubscretlous are now open at the store of Messrs BROWN OIOSS No 313 Main street Hart ford Books have also bee opened in Springfield at the offices of Messrs RICE A CLARK Block State street and with JA hES PORTER at Wolcott's Music Store al9 Imd Wcntistrj) ANDERSON DENTIST office and residence 5 and 7 West Bridge st The best work (Gold Silver and Rubber) made at piiee usually charged for the poorest II DERBY dentyut Office over Clark A Auction Rooms oppesir ilCourt Square flour unb rrO T7RESILG ROUND LOUR I am row A manufacturing from choice white wheat lour" ot superiorquality to 1 invite the ofm austomers and others pLOUR Extra Tivoli itodfleld Snow Drop Elk boro Zephyr ree State Ac PHELPS A DAY XTOTiCE We Dave this day recctved a new Lftl lot of heavy Rye reed It will be sol at very low figures There Is also left a little of that good Buck wheat eed which will be disposed of at a bargain fer tile lot Hutchinson's Lime constantly on hand Newark and Rosendale Cement constantly on hand Plaster Paris and tho bos amlr lour nail LAWRENCE YAsON Lyman rt I I.

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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

In 1777, Springfield's location at numerous crossroads led George Washington and Henry Knox to establish the United States' National Armory at Springfield, which produced the first American musket in 1794, and later the famous Springfield rifle.

What was the original name of the city of Springfield MA? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans. It was the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

Is Springfield Mass a nice area? ›

Located along the Connecticut River, Springfield is one of the best places in New England for young professionals, families, and retirees to settle down.

What is the ethnic breakdown of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Population & Diversity

In 2021, there were 1.2 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (45k people) in Springfield, MA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 37.4k White (Hispanic) and 28.3k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

What is the crime rate in Springfield MA? ›

With a crime rate of 33 per one thousand residents, Springfield has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 31.

Is Springfield Massachusetts a small town? ›

Springfield is the third largest city in Massachusetts after Boston and Worcester and has the plusses and minuses you'd expect in a city.

What is the nickname for Springfield Massachusetts? ›

  • City of Firsts. This moniker has been earned through a history of innovation, including America's first military arsenal, first American-made automobile, the birthplace of basketball, and of Theodor Geisel, better known as "Dr. ...
  • City of Homes. ...
  • City of Knowledge. ...
  • City of Innovation and Vibrancy.
Dec 9, 2021

What sport was invented in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

Why is Springfield MA called the city of Homes? ›

“Springfield is known as the 'City of Homes,' with its big grand Victorians, hence the name. This is my community, I fell in love with it. I live in McKnight, which is one of the oldest planned residential neighborhoods in the country.”

Is the mayor of Springfield MO a Democrat? ›

Springfield, Missouri held an election for mayor on April 6, 2021. Incumbent mayor Ken McClure was challenged by opponent Marcus Aton. McClure was re-elected mayor by a margin of 34.94 percentage points. Springfield mayoral elections are nonpartisan and candidates are not affiliated with a specific party on ballots.

Who owns Republican Herald? ›

Scranton-based Times-Shamrock Communications, which bought the Republican Herald in 2003, sold its newspapers to Colorado-based MediaNews Group in August.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

However, they are only one of many clients that have been housed in the Springfield Underground throughout its extensive history. The Underground is a private, family-owned business. John Griesemer is the third-generation of the Griesemer family to serve as CEO for Erlen Group, following his father and grandfather.

Who owns Springfield City Utilities? ›

The utility is owned by the community and governed by an eleven-member Board of Public Utilities, nine of whom are customers inside the city limits and two who reside outside the city limits. Board members are appointed by City Council for three-year terms.


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.